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Published February 23, 2022 at 7:00 PM
Updated October 1, 2024
Demolition, site work and new construction of a civil project in Mantua, New Jersey. Completed plans call for the demolition of a water / sewer project; for the construction of a water / sewer project; and for site work for a water / sewer project.
The intent of this project is the demolition and construction of various pumping station process improvements associated with the Royal Oaks Pumping Station located off of the intersection of Oakton Drive and Westwood Drive in Mantua Township. The Project consists of, but is not limited to, the following improvements: installation of a bypass pumping system, removal of an existing standby generator system, demolition and replacement of existing concrete slab, removal of existing davit crane, replacement of existing wet well and dry well items and equipment, replacement of existing water service piping, backflow preventer and solenoids; install hot box system, relocate existing yard hydrant, remove/replace, reinstall existing fencing and install new fencing; install new standby generator system, electrical and controls prefabricated fiberglass shelter, bypass pumping trailer, jib crane, davit crane, electrical/instrumentation equipment and work, pump station control system, electrical equipment, and monitoring/communication system; install grinder system for wet well influent; and all other equipment, items and appurtenances as required in accordance with the Contract Documents. Bids must be accompanied by a Certificate of Surety from an acceptable surety and a bid security in the form of a certified check, cashier's check or bid bond payable to the Mantua Township Municipal Utilities Authority in the amount of ten percent (10%) of the total bid amount, but not in excess of $20,000.00. Certificate of Surety shall be written by a surety company listed on the United States Treasury Department Circular 570 and the New Jersey List of Approved Surety Companies. All bidders are required to provide a copy of the contractors and subcontractors business registration certificate(s) issued by the Department of the Treasury in accordance with Section 1 of P.L. 2004, c.57 (C.52:32-44). All Contractors and subcontractors must also comply with the "Public Works Contractor Registration Act" (P.L. 2203, c.91); and P.L. 1977, c.33 (Disclosure of Ownership). The successful bidder shall also comply with the provisions of the New Jersey Prevailing Wage Act, Chapter 150 of the Laws of 1963, effective January 1, 1964. Pursuant to N.J.A.C. 10:5-33: "Bidders are required to comply with the requirements of P.L. 1975, c.127." This includes compliance with Affirmative Action requirements pursuant to Public Law 1975 C. 127 (N.J.A.C. 17:27) as revised and amended to date. The successful Bidder must also furnish an Initial Project Manning Report (AA201) upon execution of the Agreement. The successful bidder must furnish a Performance Bond and Payment Bond, each in the amount equal to one hundred percent (100%) of the contract price. Said bonds must be in a form acceptable to the Mantua Township Municipal Utilities Authority and be issued by a surety authorized to do business in the State of New Jersey. The Contract, if awarded, will be to the lowest responsible bidder whose bid proposal conforms to the requirements set forth in the Contract Documents. The Mantua Township Municipal Utilities Authority will award the Contract or reject the bids within sixty (60) calendar days after the date of the bid opening. Should there be any reason the contract cannot be awarded within the specified period, the time may be extended by mutual agreement between the Mantua Township Municipal Utilities Authority and the bidder. The Contract shall not be approved until a favorable eligibility determination has been made by the NJDEP per requirements of the New Jersey Environmental Infrastructure Trust with respect to the program requirements. Contractor is advised of the responsibility to file an annual disclosure statement on political contributions with the New Jersey Election Law Enforcement Commission pursuant to N.J.S.A. 19:44A20.13 (P.L. 2005, c271, s3) if the contractor receives contracts in excess of $50,000.00 from public entities in a calendar year. It is the Contractor's responsibility to determine if filing is necessary. This contract or subcontract is expected to be funded by in part with funds from the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection and the New Jersey Environmental Infrastructure Trust. Neither the State of New Jersey, the New Jersey Environmental Infrastructure Trust nor any of their departments, agencies, or employees is, or will be a party to this contract or subcontract or any lower tier contractor or subcontract. This contract is subject to the provisions of N.J.A.C. 7:22-3, 4, 5, 9 and 10. In accordance with the provisions of N.J.S.A. 58:11B-26, N.J.A.C. 7:22-3.17(a) 24 and 4.17(a) 24, the contractor (subcontractor) shall comply with all of the provisions of N.J.A.C. 7:22-9. After the award of a contract (if awarded) and prior to the start of work, a preconstruction meeting shall be scheduled by the recipient. The recipient, the responsible engineer, the environmental and construction inspectors, the contractor and one or more representatives of the Department must be present at the preconstruction meeting. The attention of the bidder is called particularly to the program requirements with respect to environmental and cultural protection, goals of SED utilization, conditions of employment to be observed, and to minimum wage rates to be paid as required by the contract documents. The Bidder's minimum SED utilization of the contract value shall be ten (10) percent. The successful bidder must fulfill the SED utilization requirements by subcontracting portions of the contract value to SEDs. Section 746 of Title VII of the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2017 (Division A Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2017) applies an American Iron and Steel requirement to this project. All iron and steel products used in this project must be produced in the United States. The term "iron and steel products" means the following products made primarily of iron or steel: lined or unlined pipes and fittings, manhole covers and other municipal castings, hydrants, tanks, flanges, pipe clamps and restraints, valves, structural steel, reinforced precast concrete, and construction materials. The Mantua Township Municipal Utilities Authority and the Engineer reserve the right to require a complete financial and experience statement from the prospective bidders showing that they have satisfactorily completed work of the nature required before furnishing proposal forms or specifications, or before awarding the contract. The Mantua Township Municipal Utilities Authority reserves the right to reject any and all bids in whole or in part, and to waive any informalities or minor defects therein, should it be deemed in the best interest of the Mantua Township Municipal Utilities Authority. The right is also reserved to increase or decrease the quantities specified in the manner designated in the specifications. The project sponsor shall require that the contractor supply an environmental maintenance bond in the amount of $25,000 or 50 percent of the price bid for the materials needed to fulfill the environmental specifications, whichever is greater
Water / Sewer
Public - County
Demolition, New Construction, Site Work
Trades Specified
Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum
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Oakton Dr & Westwood Dr, Mantua, NJ
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