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Published February 28, 2022 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a civil project in Escanaba, Michigan. Completed plans call for the renovation of a water / sewer project.

**As of February 28,2022, this project has been awarded to Cummins Sales and Services, awarded amount is 37,832.52** https://www.miningjournal.net/news/region/2022/02/distillery-planned-in-downtown-escanaba/ Feb 21, 2022 In other business, the council: - heard a favorable audit report of the city's finances by the firm Rehmann. - approved purchase of a breathing air compressor by Escanaba Public Safety for $25,985. - approved a water department request to hire Master Electric to remove an old generator at the Ludington Lift Station and install a new one for an amount not to exceed $7,433 - approved a water department request to hire Master Electric to install a generator at the 23rd Avenue Lift Station for an amount not to exceed $7,911. - approved a water department request to hire Richer's Refrigeration for HVAC/AC upgrades at the wastewater treatment plant not to exceed $53,379. _________________________________________________________ Bidder's proposals, and/or specifications may be obtained from the office of the City Clerk, located at 410 Ludington Street, Escanaba, Michigan, 49829. No bids will be considered unless the proposal form and /or specifications (furnished by the City of Escanaba, Michigan), are properly completed and enclosed in a sealed envelope, marked: City of Escanaba Wastewater Department Ludington Lift Station Generator In addition, the City of Escanaba, Michigan will not consider any proposal which has not been received prior to the published time, date, and year of bid opening. (FAX transmittals will not be accepted.) A Certified Check, Cashier's Check, or Bidder's Bond, drawn payable, without condition, to the City of Escanaba, Michigan, in an amount not less than 10% of the bid, will be submitted with each proposal as a guarantee that if the bid is accepted, the bidder will furnish materials or services as stated in his or her proposal. On failure of the successful bidder to fulfill the conditions of his or her proposal, he or she shall forfeit said deposit to the City of Escanaba, Michigan as liquidated damages. The acceptance of the proposal will be contingent upon the bidder's acceptance of this provision. The City of Escanaba Wastewater Department is seeking proposals for the purchase of a new unused stationary natural gas generator, automatic transfer switch and a manual throw switch. The intended use of this generator will be providing back-up power during power loss events and other emergencies. It also provides us an upgrade at our lift station. The location in which we will be upgrading is our Ludington Lift Station. The automatic transfer switch will preferably be manufactured by the same manufacturer as the generator so they are compatible. The manual throw switch will allow us to use an external source of power if needed. The new un-used generator will replace an existing Cummins Onan 100, Onan Transfer Switch (See information and pictures below). The Ludington Lift Station has an existing stationary natural gas generator currently which is a Cummins Onan 100. The Lift Station currently has a 200 amp, 480 volts and a 3-wired delta service. There are no current plans to upgrade any pumps, so electrical demands will remain the same. Based off our electric meter read history, the peak amp draw is around 20 amps for the past five (5) years. The following specifications outline the requirements for a successful proposal.


Water / Sewer


Public - City


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1900 Willow Creek Rd, Escanaba, MI

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