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Published January 21, 2022 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of an industrial development in Appleton, Wisconsin. Completed plans call for the renovation of a industrial development.

Requesting bids for the installation of new flooring at one of the County buildings in Appleton. Outagamie County is seeking bids from qualified contractors to install new flooring at a County building located at 3375 W Brewster Street, Appleton WI. Reference the project manual titled "Flooring Manual 12-20-2021" for a drawings showing flooring abatement by others and flooring removal and replacement to be included in the scope of work for this project. Contractor shall remove existing flooring and wall base and replace with new flooring and wall base as specified. The scope of work shall include the following: Remove and site clear all remaining flooring within the blue shaded area on page 2 of the attached flooring manual. The County will have an abatement contractor remove the flooring in the blue shaded area as shown on page 1 of the flooring manual prior to the start of the flooring project. Remove all existing vinyl wall base throughout entire color shaded areas on page 2 of the manual. Prep concrete subfloor in these same areas to receive new flooring. Provide and install new flooring for all areas highlighted in color on page 2 of the manual. o For all areas shaded in blue, contractor shall install Interface brand carpet squares. The Interface carpet shall have a product number of AE310 from the Aerial collection with a color of "104622 Fog" or color and style of owner's choice within the same price range. Carpet Squares shall installed in a quarter turn style and shall be adhered to floor with a carpet tack glue following any manufactures installation recommendations. o For area shaded in orange, contractor shall install Armstrong Static Control VCT flooring in from the Armstrong Excelon collection, item number 51960 and color of "Beach" or color and style of owner's choice within the same price range. Provide and install 4-1/2" tall Vinyl wall base with standard color of owners choosing. Vinyl wall base shall be roll out style in order limit the number of seams. Provide a minimum of one year warranty on labor and materials plus any additional manufactures warranties. Any required permits. Work can be performed during normal business hours of 7 am to 5 pm Mondays through Friday excluding holidays. Rooms will not have furniture in them as long as the project can be completed by March 4th. If after March 4th there may be some furniture in some of the rooms. A PO will be issued by end of day January 21st. Due to operational needs, the County is looking to get this unit installed as soon as possible but no later than March 4, 2022. Failure to achieve final completion by March 4th will result in a $50 per calendar day liquidated damages penalty. If a contractor does not feel the completion date of March 4th is realistic, contact Nicole Schoultz (information in Section 7.0) by end of day January 12th with a proposed completion date. The County may consider extending the completion date and if so, an addendum will be issued on January 13th with a revised completion date. Facsimile or email bids are not acceptable.




Public - County


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January 19, 2022

February 18, 2022


3375 W Brewster St, Appleton, WI

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