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Published February 15, 2022 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a multi-residential development in Hanover, Massachusetts. Completed plans call for the renovation of a multi-residential development.

Provide & install metal outdoor handicap ramp, ADA compliant, to provide building access from grade up to entrance door 42" above grade and then further to 2nd entrance door 72" above grade. Estimated Cost $40,000 The former Sylvester School building at 495 Hanover Street, Hanover MA, is being converted for reuse by the Hanover Department of Public Works Administration. The building currently lacks ADA entrance accessibility for employees or the visiting public. Complicating the situation is the fact that the main floor is split level, with a 5-step stair transition between elevations that are approximately 42 and 72 inches above the exterior grade. To provide ADA accessibility, the Town is installing 2 new exterior entrance doors (at existing window openings) at the level of each main floor elevation, along with a single ADA compliant wheelchair ramp to provide access from outside grade to the new entrance doors. The objective this portion of the project, i.e. the subject of this quote, is to provide and install this wheelchair ramp Bid Price must also include labor, materials, shipping, insurance, bonds and documentation Delivery and installation planned date is critical to the performance and award of this contract The total cost for this project is likely under $45,000. Warranty must be no less than 3 years and must equal or exceed manufacturer's comprehensive warranty for the quoted unit.




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495 Hanover St, Hanover, MA

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