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Saving Project...

Site work and paving for a road / highway in Omaha, Nebraska. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; and for paving for a road / highway.

for furnishing all labor, tools, materials and equipment required for the project designated as Gruenther Ridge Paving - Phase I for Sanitary and Improvement District 361, Sarpy County, Nebraska CD's and Downloads containing a complete set of Bid Documents in PDF format are available upon receipt of a non-refundable fee in the amount of $20.00 payable to A&D Technical Supply Co., Inc. Only complete sets of Bid Documents may be obtained. If shipping of Bid Documents is required, there is a non-refundable fee in the amount of $30.00 payable to A&D Technical Supply Co., Inc. If shipping of CD is required, there is a flat fee in the amount of $9.00 payable to A&D Technical Supply Co., Inc. Bid Documents are available Purchase Only. Do NOT return Bid Documents as no deposit refund will be issued. The amount of the engineer's estimate of the cost of said improvements (exclusive of engineering, fiscal, legal, interest, easement acquisition, and miscellaneous costs) is $1,701,400. The Work will be substantially complete within 75 days after the date when the Contract Times commence to run as provided in Paragraph 4.01 of the General Conditions, and completed and ready for final payment in accordance with Paragraph 15.06 of the General Conditions within 90 days after the date when the Contract Times commence to run. All proposals must be submitted on bid forms furnished by FOLEYSHALD ENGINEERING, and must be accompanied by a bid bond or a certified check in the amount not less than $85,070 made payable to the Treasurer of Sanitary and Improvement District 361 as security that the bidder to whom the contract may be awarded will enter into a contract to build the improvements in accordance with this Notice to Contractor and will give a contract and maintenance bond in the amount of 100% of the total contract price, Contractor shall furnish a performance bond and a payment bond, each in an amount at least equal to the Contract Price

Bid Results

Roads / Highways


Public - County

Paving, Site Work

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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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