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This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Wesson, Mississippi. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the Town of Wesson, Mississippi (the Town) are soliciting sealed written proposals, pursuant to 31-7-13(r) of the Mississippi Code of 1972 (as amended) (the Act) to furnish all labor, materials, work and services (collectively, the Contract Waste Hauler Services or the Services) for the collection and disposal of Solid Waste and Refuse from Residential Units and Light Commercial Units within the current corporate limits of the Town or as hereafter expanded, as described in the specifications (the Specifications). The Board of Aldermen reserves the right to reject any and all proposals, and waive minor informalities in any proposal, and to make an award in any manner, consistent with law, deemed in the best interest of the Town. Proposals will be reviewed, and the selected Contractor will be awarded the contract through an action of the Town, approving and adopting the contract documents, providing for its enforcement and penalties as provided by law. It is the intent of this document to describe certain traits and characteristics conducive to the effective, efficient, safe, sanitary, and economical operation of a solid waste program for optimum serviceability and satisfaction in the Town of Wesson. It is the intent of the Town to accept proposals from professional solid waste companies with a proven track record of residential solid waste collection services. Envelopes containing proposals must be sealed, marked, and addressed as follows: Wesson Board of Aldermen, Mayors Office, 1011 Spring Street, Wesson, MS 39191 PROPOSAL FOR RESIDENTIAL SOLID WASTE COLLECTION INSTRUCTIONS TO PROPOSERS PREPARATION OF PROPOSALS Please use the Price Proposal Form included herein. Each proposal shall be legibly written or printed in ink. If the proposal is made by an individual, his name and post office address must be shown. If made by a partnership, the name and post office address of each member of the firm or partnership must be shown. If made by a corporation, the proposal must show the name of the state under which the laws of the corporation are chartered and the names, titles and business addresses of the corporate officers. Proposers should familiarize themselves with the work herein contemplated by personally visiting the location of the work. All waste shall be transported and disposed of at an MDEQ permitted solid waste facility and all disposal fees shall be paid by the Contractor. Any explanation desired by bidder regarding the meaning and / or interpretation of the specifications must be requested in and with sufficient time to allow for a reply to reach them before the submission of proposals, and oral explanations or instructions given before the award of the contract will not be binding. REJECTION OF PROPOSAL Proposals may be rejected in the case of any omission, alteration of form, additions or conditions not called for, unauthorized alternate proposals, incomplete proposals, erasures, or irregularities of any kind. PROPOSAL SECURITY Each proposal must be accompanied by a certified check of the proposer, negotiable; legally approved government bonds (at par value) or a proposal bond, duly executed by the proposer as principal and having the surety hereon a surety company approved by the owner, in an amount of Twenty-five Thousand Dollars ($25,000.00). Such checks, or proposal bonds will be returned after the County and the accepted proposer have executed the contract, or, if no award has been made within 90 days after the date of the opening of proposals, upon demand of the proposer at any time thereafter, so long as he/she has not been notified of the acceptance of his/her proposal. LIOUIDATED DAMAGES FOR FAILURE TO ENTER INTO CONTRACT The successful proposer, upon his/her failure or refusal to execute and deliver the contract and bonds required within fifteen (15) days after he/she has received notice of the acceptance of his/her proposal, shall forfeit to the Town, as liquidated damages for such failure or refusal, the security deposited with his/her proposal. COMPETENCY OF PROPOSER The opening and reading of the proposal shall not be construed as an acceptance of the proposer as a qualified, responsible proposer. The Town reserves the right to determine the competence and responsibility of a proposer from its knowledge of the proposers qualifications or from other sources. The Town requires submission with the proposal certified supporting data regarding the qualifications of the proposer to determine whether he/she is a qualified, responsible proposer. The proposer is required to furnish all of the following information: (such information shall be certified as true and correct by the proposer) A. Vehicle and Equipment Schedule B. Schedule of Operations C. A copy of the latest available financial statement of the proposer (or its parent corporation if individual subsidiary or division financial statements are not prepared and generally available) certified by a Certified Public Accountant. D. Evidence that the proposer is in good standing in the State of Mississippi, and, in the case of corporation organized under the laws of any other State, evidence that the proposer is licensed to do business in the State of Mississippi or take all necessary action to become so licensed if its proposal is accepted. E. Evidence that the proposer meets the insurance requirements of the Contract Documents. F. Evidence, in form and substance satisfactory to the Town that proposer has been in existence as a going concern for more than five (5) years and has actual operating experience as a going concern in refuse collection and disposal in the State of Mississippi for in excess of five (5) years. G. Evidence, in form and substance satisfactory to the Town, that proposer possesses as a going concern the managerial and financial capabilities to perform all phases of the work called for in the Contract Documents. I. Such additional information as will satisfy the Town that the proposer is adequately prepared to fulfill the Contract. DISQUALIFICATIONS OF PROPONENTS Although not intended to be an inclusive list of causes for disqualifications, any one or more of the following causes, among others, may be considered sufficient for the disqualification of a proposer and the rejection of his proposal: A. Evidence of collusion among proposers. B. Lack of competency as revealed by either financial statements, experience or equipment statements as submitted or other factors. C. Lack of responsibility as shown by past work, judged from the standpoint of workmanship as submitted. D. Default on a previous contract for failure to perform. E. Failure to meet the requirements set forth in this document. CONTRACT TERM The selected company shall be prepared to begin service under this contract on START DATE. The base contract term shall be for an initial period of three years ending on END DATE. The contract may be extended by mutual consent of both parties for two additional three-year period periods thereafter. SERVICE AREAS The service area includes residential units within the incorporated limits of Wesson. It is estimated that solid waste collection service is provided to approximately 590 total residential customers. This information is furnished for the convenience of prospective proposer(s) and is to be considered as an approximate number only. These estimates are not guaranteed to be accurate and are furnished without any liability on the part of The Town of Wesson. SERVICES PROVIDED The contractor shall provide weekly curbside collection of residential solid waste (household garbage) to each residential unit located in The Town of Wesson. All waste shall be placed inside contractor furnished containers and set curbside by the resident for collection. The contractor shall provide each customer with one (1) new 95-gallon rollout container prior to beginning work on this contract. Contractor shall provide collection of any occasional solid waste that is placed in tied bags and located adjacent to the cart. If there is a continuous situation where there is enough bagged garbage every week, the Town and the Contractor will evaluate whether another Cart should be placed at the unit and billed for such. The contractor shall not be required to provide for the special collection from residential units of bulky waste, construction debris, stable matter, dead animals, hazardous waste, rubbish, or any other waste not defined as residential solid waste. VEHICLE AND EQUIPMENT SCHEDULE Proposer shall prepare and submit, a vehicle and equipment schedule with the proposal. The schedule shall describe all equipment to be utilized by the contractor to fulfill the responsibilities of this work. For each item, the year, model, make, quantity and description of the collection vehicle packer body and chassis will be provided. The schedule shall be subject to approval by The Town of Wesson Board of Aldermen, shall be a part of the final evaluation of proposals, and shall be strictly adhered to by the contractor if the proposal is accepted. The contractor may revise the equipment schedule as conditions merit, subject to approval by the Town Board of Aldermen. The Town requires that all vehicles provided for use on this contract be new at the start of the start of the Contract. Additional backup vehicles must be available for same day service in the event of mechanical failure. Proposers are advised that the Town of Wesson Board of Aldermen may demand an increase in the number of vehicles and/or equipment necessary to fulfill the operations required under the contract and may collect liquidated damages for failure to follow this requirement. Carts provided for use under this contract shall be 95-gallon in size and have a minimum 10-year manufacturer warranty. All carts shall be new at the start of the contract. SCHEDULE OF OPERATIONS The proposer(s) shall prepare and submit a schedule of operations which explains the methodology and service procedures that will be used by the contractor to collect residential Solid Waste in the Town of Wesson. The schedule will be subject to the approval of The Town of Wesson Board of Aldermen and will be a part of the final evaluation of proposals and will be strictly adhered to by the contractor if that proposal is accepted. The contractor may revise this schedule as conditions dictate, subject to approval by the Board of Aldermen. Contractor shall make all efforts to keep route as close to the existing schedule that is currently in place. COLLECTION TIMES / HOLIDAYS Collection of refuse shall not begin before 6:30 a.m. on each day. Garbage and trash collection will be allowed on all weekdays and Saturdays. In special cases where the company needs to work on Sunday, it shall first obtain written permission by the Town Board of Aldermen. The following holidays may be observed by the Company: New Years Day, Labor Day, Memorial Day, Thanksgiving Day, Independence Day, Christmas Day, Martin Luther King Day The Company may decide to observe any or all of the above-mentioned holidays by suspension of collection service on the holiday. The Company shall be responsible for publicizing (and the expense of publishing) any changes in collection schedules due to observance of the above holidays. Proper publicizing includes the purchasing of advertising from newspapers serving the affected area. LOCAL CONDITIONS AFFECTING WORK Each proposer shall visit the contract area and shall completely inform himself relative to traffic congestion, type of housing, population density, collection procedures required, labor, and all other conditions and factors, local and otherwise, which would affect prosecution and completion of the work at the prices proposed. Such considerations shall include the arrangement and condition of existing structures and facilities, the availability and cost of labor, and facilities for transportation, handling and storage of materials and equipment. Normal development and/or redevelopment in the Town must also be considered. All such factors shall be properly investigated and considered in the preparation of the proposal. There shall be no subsequent financial adjustment for lack of such prior information. LOCATION OF COLLECTION The residential units will be required by the Town to place containers in a location that is readily accessible to the Company and its equipment, not to exceed five (5) feet from curb or edge of traveled portion of road. Town will aid the company in resolving problems of garbage and trash location. SERVICE INQUIRIES All complaints shall be made directly to the Company. Company shall maintain a local or toll-free telephone number accessible to residents of the Town of Wesson, Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5 p.m. The company shall give all complaints prompt and courteous attention. In the case of alleged missed collection, the Company shall investigate and if such allegations are verified, shall arrange for collection within twenty-four (24) hours of the time the complaint was received. COMPANYS PERSONNEL The Company shall assign a qualified person or persons to be in charge of its performance of this contract. The Companys collection employees shall wear a uniform or shirt bearing the Companys name. Each employee shall, at all times, carry a valid drivers license for the type of vehicle he is driving. The Company shall provide operating and safety training for all personnel. No person shall be denied employment by the company for reasons of age, race, sex, creed, or religion or national origin. ACCEPTANCE AND REJECTION OF PROPOSALS The Town of Wesson Board of Aldermen will consider such factors as uniform collection services, proposal price, experience, financial responsibility, reference checks, the vehicle and equipment schedule, the schedule of operations, local presence, and other relevant factors determining which proposal it deems best. The Town of Wesson Board of Aldermen reserves the right to reject any and all proposals and waive minor informalities which do not detract from the best interest of the Town of Wesson Board of Aldermen. AWARD OF CONTRACT The Town of Wesson Board of Aldermen may award a contract(s), as soon as practicable after tabulation of said proposals. In no case will award be made until all necessary investigations are completed concerning the qualifications of the proposer(s) whose proposal is considered to be in the best interest of the Town. The Town of Wesson Board of Aldermen reserves the right to reject any and all proposals, and waive minor informalities in any proposal, and to make an award in any manner, consistent with law, deemed in the best interest of the Town. PAYMENTS TO CONTRACTOR The Contract will be based upon the agreed upon number of residential homes serviced in the Town of Wesson multiplied by the cost per home proposed. Payments to the contractor will be made monthly in arrears. The monthly service fee will be considered as a guide for amending the contract should a service area become annexed during the term of the proposed contract. Rates shall be adjusted annually by the same percentage change in the consumer price index for garbage and trash collection. LOCAL CONDITIONS AFFECTING WORK Each proposer shall visit the contract area and shall completely inform himself relative to traffic congestion, type of housing, population density, collection procedures required, labor, and all other conditions and factors, local and otherwise, which would affect prosecution and completion of the work at the prices proposed. Such considerations shall include the arrangement and condition of existing structures and facilities, the availability and cost of labor, and facilities for transportation, handling and storage of materials and equipment. Normal development and/or redevelopment in the Town must also be considered. All such factors shall be properly investigated and considered in the preparation of the proposal. There shall be no subsequent financial adjustment for lack of such prior information. INSURANCE The Contractor shall at all times during the term of this Contract maintain in full force and effect Employers Liability, Workmens Compensation, Public Liability and Property Damage Insurance. For the purpose of this Contract, the Contractor shall carry the following types of insurance in at least the limits specified below: Coverages and Limits of Liability Workmans Compensation, Statutory; Employer Liability, $500,000; Bodily Injury Liability, $1,000,000 each occurrence; Except Automobile, $1,000,000 aggregate; Property Damage Liability except Automobile, $1,000,000 each occurrence; Except Automobile, $500,000 aggregate; Automobile Bodily Injury, $1,000,000 each person; Liability, $1,000,000 each occurrence; Automobile Property Damage Liability, $1,000,000 each occurrence; Excess Umbrella Liability, $1,000,000 each occurrence To the extent permitted by law, all or any part of any required insurance coverages may be provided under a plan or plans of self-insurance. Contact Angela Hester at Wesson City Hall for proposal sheet.


Residential Subdivision

Public - City

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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