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Published October 1, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and new construction of a water / sewer project in South Salt Lake, Utah. Completed plans call for the construction of a water / sewer project; and for site work for a water / sewer project.

Final Bidder questions are due at 5:00 MST Feb 3rd . Project no- 151600, CC30D, 20229 The Work consists of construction of a new straining building to include stainless steel tanks, pump systems, mixing systems, heat exchanger, and primary sludge strainers. The Work also includes removal of the gravity belt thickeners in the existing thickening building and replacing them with thickening centrifuges. The thickening centrifuges have already been pre-selected by the Owner and will be supplied by Centrisys/CNP. The Engineer has already reviewed submittals from Centrisys CNP and coordinated design with them; Contractor will be required to accept the Centrisys/CNP contract by assignment and coordinate delivery and installation with Centrisys/CNP. The Owner has also already pre-selected the dumpster-veyor system from Cordell and Associates that is similar to the system recently installed in the Headworks building. Contractor shall also take acceptance of that contract and coordinate delivery and installation. Shop drawings for the dumpster-veyor system are still required. The Work also includes all related piping, appurtenances, electrical and instrumentation, HVAC and building plumbing. The existing thickening building will also include seismic retrofits. The new facilities will be connected to the existing tunnel system; the Work will include extensive sequencing and maintenance of plant operations (MOPOs). Bids will be received for a single prime Contract. Bids shall be on a lump sum and unit price basis as indicated in the Bid Form. Bid security shall be furnished in accordance with the Instructions to Bidders. Please plan on 2-3 hours for the pre-bid meeting as project sequencing will also be discussed. Invited Bidders not in attendance will be deemed un-responsive and any submitted Bids will be returned un-opened. The Work to be performed under this Contract at the Owner's water reclamation plant site shall consist of furnishing tools, equipment, materials, and supplies and furnishing labor, transportation, and performing all work or other operations required for the fulfillment of the Contract in accordance with the Contract Documents. The Work shall be complete and all work, materials, and services not expressly indicated or called out in the Contract Documents which may be necessary for the complete and proper construction or the Work in good faith shall be provided at no increase in cost to the Owner. B. The Work to be performed under this contract, Construction Contract 30D Thickening and Straining Facilities, shall consist of the construction of a new Straining Building and modifications to the existing Thickening Building. The Work is summarized in Section 1.03 below and detailed in the plans, specifications and supplemental information. C. Additional Work for the following projects will be ongoing during the construction of the Work. Contractor access, parking, facilities, and laydown areas shall be coordinated with the Construction Manager and with other Contractors. 1. Construction Contract 5F 3 Water Improvements Project 2. Construction Contract 10C Headworks Improvements Project 3. Construction Contract 30A Blower Building Project 4. Construction Contract 30B BNR Basins/PEPS/RAS 5. Construction Contract 30E Sidestream Nitrogen Removal 6. Construction Contract 30C Sidestream Phosphorus Removal 7. Construction Contract 08C Digester Cover Replacement 8. Cogeneration Improvements D. Portions of the Work for demolition, connections, testing, and start up will need to be coordinated with the Contractor completing Construction Contract 30B BNR Basins Project and also 30A Blower Building Project Accept assignment of Thickening Centrifuges (CNP/Centrisys) and Dumpster-veyor (Cordell). These contracts were originally executed between Owner and equipment suppliers and will be assigned to the Contractor. Contractor shall coordinate with CNP/Centrisys and Cordell for delivery of the Goods; installation of the Goods and startup and commissioning shall be by Contractor. . Provide sequencing support to re-purpose the existing thickening building from existing Owner use of gravity belt thickeners (GBTs) to thickening centrifuges. Work includes but not limited to adding centrifuge platforms, adding bridge crane, providing seismic upgrades, demolish of existing strainers, replace existing HVAC system, replace roof, connect to existing foul air system. C. Construct a new nominal 14,000 square foot concrete, block and brick strainer building to house various process tanks, pumps, heat exchangers, strainers and dumpsters/dumpterveyor trolley system. Building includes supporting utilities such as 1W, 3W, power, air, and hot water. Includes new electrical room with motor control centers for equipment and related transformers. New facilities are connected to existing tunnel complex by two utilidors through which conduit and piping are routed. Work includes foul air ducting and connection to the existing foul air system. D. Site civil work including temporary and permanent filtrate piping, duct banks, miscellaneous utility extensions, connection to natural gas, 1W, 2W, and 3W supply loops. E. Coordinate with CNP/Centrisys and Cordell during system commissioning and start up. F. Restore site. G. Coordinate Work with Owner's operations. H. Coordinate Work with other Contractors at the site and with the Construction Manager including requirements for site safety.


Water / Sewer


Public - County

New Construction, Site Work

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February 15, 2022

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800 Central Valley Rd, South Salt Lake, UT

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