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Published February 15, 2022 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Detroit, Michigan. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Question Acceptance Deadline 02/28/2022 02:00 PM EST Questions are submitted online Yes FULL LEAD SERVICE LINE REPLACEMENT AT VARIOUS LOCATIONS THROUGHOUT DETROIT - REQUEST FOR BIDS NO. 493484 / WS-723 (NOT FEDERALLY FUNDED) The Project has an expected duration of 365 calendar days. The Project includes the following Work: The scope of work includes identifying existing Lead (Pb) service lines, meeting with customers to get access and permission to do work on private residential or commercial property, delivering water quality information, replacing existing Lead (Pb) service lines, and recordkeeping. The approximate locations of the replacements that will be assigned to the Contractor will be identified by the Engineer on an "as- needed" basis pursuant to the terms and conditions of the Contract Documents. There is no guarantee as to the number of replacement locations that will be assigned under this Contract. However, about 200 lead service line replacements are expected to be assigned throughout the life of this Contract. A more detailed description of the work is stated in Exhibit A of the Agreement. The Detroit Water and Sewerage Department (DWSD) has prepared this contract for the purpose of replacing full lead service lines, from the existing water main to the meter inside the home/property, and at locations where unplanned work results in the disconnection of any Lead service, on either the private property or within the public Right-of-Way (ROW). Detroit has an estimated 80,000 lead service lines (LSLs), connected to an aged and historically under-maintained water network, with high incidences of water main breaks. Main breaks and service leaks frequently affect LSLs and require disconnecting the LSL to make a repair. The contractor will be responsible for following DWSD's Full Lead Service Line Replacement (FLSLR) Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) and specification to efficiently, effectively, and safely remove full LSLs. Because this contract will be providing work for unplanned service replacement, not all of the locations of the work are defined at this time. Also, no design drawings will be provided by DWSD. DWSD expects the contractor to complete about 200 LSL replacements through this contract. Restoration of each LSR site will be in accordance with DPW standards. This standard can be found at: http://detroitmi.gov/departments/department-public-works/right-way-permits-and-standards All work shall be performed to the standards and requirements of the local jurisdiction or permitting agency with authority in the Right-of-Way where the work is performed. Any work performed in the Detroit DPW, Wayne County or MDOT road jurisdictions shall be in accordance with the requirements of the Detroit DPW, Wayne County or MDOT authorities respectively. The Bidder agrees that any work including unmarked underground utilities that may be required to complete any specific item shall be considered incidental and no claim for additional compensation will be made. The work adjacent to any Wayne County and MDOT road jurisdictions shall be in accordance with the requirements of the Wayne County and MDOT Authorities respectively. Due to the extreme inconvenience to Detroit Water and Sewerage water service customers and the public in general, and also due to the impossibility of performing prompt, permanent restoration during the winter season, work on the Contract shall be temporarily halted after the second week of November or as authorized by the Engineer. The Contract work shall promptly resume during the third week of April of the following year or as authorized by the Engineer. (NOT FEDERALLY FUNDED) General Requirements - Bid Deposit Required - Insurance Required - Warranty Information Required - Installation Required - Certified Payroll - Safety Standards Plan - FOB Destination Bonding Requirements - Bid Bond 5 % - Performance Bond 100 % - Payment Bond 100 % - Warranty Bond 10 %


Water / Sewer

Public - City

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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