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Published March 31, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a mixed-use development in West Branch, Michigan. Completed plans call for the renovation of a 194,966-square-foot educational facility.

Project no- 2109-02 West Branch - Rose City Area Schools will receive Bids from Bidders for remodeling work comprising HVAC improvements to portions of the Surline Middle School building located at 147 State Street, West Branch, MI 48661, and the Rose City Elementary School building located at 515 Harrington Street, Rose City, MI 48654. As a construction project over $2,000, this Project is subject to the Davis-Bacon Act, 20 USC 1232b, and the Contractor is required to ensure that prevailing wages are paid in accordance with that Act and its implementing regulations. Each Bidder shall include with its Bid, a sworn and notarized statement disclosing any familial relationships that exist between the owner or any employee of the Bidder and any member of the Board of Education of the Superintendent of the School District. Compliance with the Iran Economic Sanctions Act (PA 517 of 2012) is required. Each Bidder shall include a sworn and notarized certification that they are not an "Iran Linked Business" as the term is defined in the Act. A Bid security in the amount of no less than 5 percent of the Bid Sum in the form of a Bid Bond, or certified check payable to the Owner shall accompany each Bid. A personal or company check does not constitute a Bid security. The successful Bidder will be required to furnish Performance and Labor/Material Payment Bonds in the amount of 100% of the contract amount Bids will be required to be submitted under a condition of irrevocability for a period of 60 days after submission. Bids shall be submitted on the Bid Form provided in the Bidding Documents. The Owner reserves the right to accept or reject any or all Bids, either in whole or in part; to award the Contract to other than the lowest Bidder; to waive any irregularities and/or informalities; and in general to make awards in any manner deemed to be in the best interest of the Owner. Work of the Project comprises improvements to Surline Middle School and Rose City elementary School and generally includes 1. Surline Middle School: a. Removal and/or in-place abandonment of the existing HVAC system; b. Installation of classroom unit ventilators with provisions for air conditioning; c. Installation of new exhaust fans; d. Replacement of hydronic heating boilers and pumps; e. Installation of new hydronic heating piping; f. Replacement of various terminal heating units; g. Installation of new HVAC controls; h. Replacement of the domestic water storage tank; i. Replacement of suspended acoustical ceilings; j. Incidental patching, painting, and other work as depicted. 2. Rose City Elementary School: a. Replacement of existing HVAC controls with new




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Multiple Locations, West Branch, MI

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