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This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Camden, New Jersey. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

General Engineering Services related to the CCMUA's Combined Sewer Overflow Requirements The intent of this Request For Proposals and resulting contract is to obtain General Engineering services for the Camden County Municipal Utilities Authority (CCMUA's) combined sewer overflow requirements. Firms responding to this Request For Proposals should have extensive experience and a knowledgeable background and qualifications in the provision of the services described herein. Despite any language contained herein to the contrary, this Request For Proposals does not constitute a bid and is intended solely to obtain competitive proposals from which the CCMUA may choose a contractor(s) that best meet(s) the CCMUA's needs. It is the CCMUA's intent that no statutory, regulatory, or common law bidding requirement apply to this Request For Proposals. The CCMUA intends to award this contract pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40A:11-5(1)(a)(1). Official CCMUA RFP documents are available from the CCMUA as described herein at no cost to the vendor. Potential proposers are cautioned that they are proposing at their own risk if a third party supplied the RFP document that may or may not be complete. The CCMUA is not responsible for third party supplied RFP documents. Term of agreement shall be one year commencing on or about February 22, 2022 through February 21, 2023.. The CCMUA may terminate the agreement for any reason upon thirty (30) days written notice to the firm. In this event, the CCMUA shall only be responsible for payment up to the effective date of termination. Any proposals received after said opening whether by mail or otherwise, will be returned unopened. Proposals should be provided in a sealed envelope with the title of the RFP clearly marked on the outside. If hand-delivering, please do so between the hours of 8:30am to 4:00pm. The CCMUA assumes no responsibility for delays in any form of carrier, mail, or delivery service causing the proposal to be received after the above referenced due date and time. Submission by fax, telephone, or e-mail is NOT PERMITTED. Final selection of firm(s) shall be made by the Camden County MUA Board of Commissioners by formal resolution. Contract(s) for services will be provided by the Camden County MUA. The method of contractor selection has not been determined at this time. Any questions regarding this Request For Proposals must be made in writing to Scott Schreiber, Executive Director, 1645 Ferry Avenue, Camden NJ 08104, 856-583-1261. All questions must be sent by email no later than 4:00pm on January 18, 2022. Questions received after this date and time will not be addressed.


Water / Sewer

Public - County

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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February 22, 2022


Multiple Locations, Camden, NJ

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