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Published March 1, 2022 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a water / sewer project in Grand Haven, Michigan. Completed plans call for the renovation of a water / sewer project.

The City of Grand Haven shall accept bids for professional services to provide inspection and repairs for a centrifugal turbine type pump and motor at the water treatment plant's Lake Michigan Pumping Station. This is a vertical two stage Ingersol-Dresser turbine pump driven by a 300 horsepower VFD US Electrical Motor that delivers water to the Northwest Ottawa Water Treatment Plant. The City Council of the City of Grand Haven reserves the right to reject any or all proposals and/or waive any defect in proposals, and to accept any proposal which it shall deem to be in the best interest of the City. Completion deadline for this project is May 4th , 2022. Since 1990 the Northwest Ottawa Water Systems (NOWS) Lake Pumping Station, located at the Grand Haven State Park, functions to deliver Lake Michigan source water to the (NOWS) Water Treatment Facility. The Pump Station houses four vertical turbine pumps that are meticulously maintained year round by the Treatment Plant Operations Team. Low Service Pump #2 (LSP#2) is a vertical turbine multistage Ingersol-Dresser (Flowserve) style pump, capable of delivering up to 13 million gallons per day. LSP#2 and its Suction Can have been in service since 1990 and have not seen professional inspection or reconditioning in the 32 years of operation. The GE 300HP motor that serves as the driver for LSP#2 has had a complete overhaul as recently as 2012. LSP#2 is one of two of the larger capacity pumps at the Lake Station. These larger pumps do not see continuous duty and are used primarily during the high volume demand months of summer operations. The pumps run on short intervals during winter months primarily for maintenance protocol only. Due to the reduced annual runtimes and the recent 2012 overhaul, the motor will be side cast for inspection and not part of the scope of services requested. PERFORMANCE SURETY: The successful bidder is required to furnish a bond or certified check on a solvent bank, payable to the Treasurer of the City of Grand Haven in the amount stated in the Proposal Form as a guarantee for the faithful performance of the contract. The City will determine the sufficiency of the surety. Surety is NOT required on this project.


Water / Sewer


Public - City


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30 Sherman Ave, Grand Haven, MI

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