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Published January 3, 2022 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a water / sewer project in Aubrey, Texas. Completed plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

Project scope shall include the Utility Improvements, approximately 7,204 LF of 8" water, 4,739 LF of 8" sanitary sewer, and 3,531 LF of 5' x 5' RCB through 18" RCP storm sewer, all as per Construction Plans, NCTCOG, Mustang Special Utility District, and City of Aubrey specifications to serve 134 lots on approximately 44 acres. The project is located North and West of the intersection of Main St. and Liberty Rd. in City of Aubrey ETJ any addenda, obtained from other sources. Each Bid must be submitted on the prescribed Bid Form and accompanied by Bid security as prescribed in the Instructions to Bidders. The Successful Bidder will be required to furnish the additional bond(s) prescribed in the Bidding Documents. In order to perform public work, the Successful Bidder and Subcontractors prior to contract award shall hold or obtain such licenses as required by State Statutes, and federal and local Laws and Regulations. Nonresident Bidders shall conform to Government Code 2155.004 prior to submitting Bid. Bidder shall use prevailing wage rates as contained in the Bidding document. Bidder shall certify that neither Bidder, nor person represented by Bidder, nor any person acting for the represented person has: Violated the antitrust laws codified by Chapter 15, Business & Commerce Code, or the federal antitrust laws; or directly or indirectly communicated the Bid to a competitor or other person engaged in the same line of business. For information concerning the proposed Work, please contact J. Volk Consulting, Inc. at 972-201-3100 or joel.richey@jvolkconsulting.com. The Owner is not obligated to accept the lowest bid or any bid. The Owner reserves the right to accept or reject any or all Bids or parts of bids and to waive any informalities and technicalities in bids or in bidding. The Owner may award a contract that, in the Owner's judgement, will be most advantageous to the Owner and result in the best and most economical completion of this project. No bid may be withdrawn until the expiration of one hundred twenty (120) days from the date bids are opened.


Water / Sewer


Public - County

Site Work

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