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Published February 8, 2022 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of an educational facility in East Chicago, Indiana. Completed plans call for the renovation of a 12,206-square-foot, one-story above grade educational facility.

A. During the course of the project, the Construction Manager may request that the Subcontractor provide proposals for modifications to the scope of work of the Project. Subcontractor shall comply with the requirements set forth for the procedures of this Section and other applicable portions of the Contract Documents. B. The procedures outlined in this Section may be required in whole or part depending on the type of modification requested by the Owner. The Construction Manager will direct the Subcontractor to the proper procedure based on the type of change requested. C. Should the Subcontractor proceed with a change to the work without proper authorization the Subcontractor relinquishes all rights for any claims for additional compensation or time. D. If the Subcontractor proceeds with a change to the work without proper authorization, and the Owner desires the work to be completed as originally documented in the Project Documents the Subcontractor shall remedy the unauthorized work to the originally documented condition without additional compensation or time. E. The Subcontractor shall advise the Construction Manager immediately if it is determined that a delay in the acceptance or rejection of a proposed change will impact the cost of the Project or the time to complete the Project. Lacking this notice the Subcontractor shall not be entitled to additional compensation or time for the acceptance or rejection of the proposed change. F. Should the Subcontractor proceed with work that is currently associated with a documented proposed change request or a pending submitted change request without approval or rejection of the change request the Subcontractor shall not be entitled to additional compensation or time due to the acceptance or rejection of the change.

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410 E Columbus Dr, East Chicago, IN

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