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Published January 6, 2022 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Through this RFP, The Pennsylvania Department of General Services DGS will secure a single qualified Supplier to provide all labor, materials, tools, equipment and incidentals necessary to perform a full range of environmental remediation and investigative services on an as needed basis, including but not limited to, storage tank removal/replacement and/or corrective action services, excavation, soil and groundwater remediation, asbestos inspection/abatement, sampling and laboratory analysis, and waste survey, identification, and disposal, as well as any other related remediation and restoration services. This Contract will cover all areas within the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) highway right-of-way, facility property boundary, or the points of compliance, as defined under the Land Recycling and Environmental Remediation Standards Act (Act 2) and any other applicable laws and/or policies. All services performed shall be in accordance with all applicable state and federal laws regulations and local ordinances. Limited to PennDOT only within any and all areas affected. PennDOT's eleven (11) Districts oversee programs and policies affecting highways, urban and rural public transportation, airports, railroads, ports and waterways. Further responsibilities include the ongoing monitoring and compliance with state and federal environmental laws. The first Environmental Remediation Services Contract was established due to the possibility of encountering unexpected hazardous/non-hazardous wastes during construction of highways/bridges, and over the years successive contracts have become routinely used for providing emergency and non-emergency remediation services at existing PennDOT roadways, maintenance facilities and offices. There are two different types of response times within the scope of services under this Contract: Normal Response (non-emergency) and Rapid Response (emergency). In the past, approximately sixty percent (60%) of purchase orders were for Rapid Response. The Department's Bureau of Diversity, Inclusion and Small Business Opportunities (BDISBO) has developed a goal setting policy based upon recommendations from its 2018 Disparity Study. The goal setting policy requires BDISBO and agencies to identify contract-specific participation goals for SDBs (which include Minority Business Enterprises, Women Business Enterprises, LGBT Business Enterprises, Disability-Owned Business Enterprises, and Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business Enterprises) and VBEs (which include Veteran-Owned Small Business Enterprises and Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business Enterprises). Proposers must either agree to meet the participation goals in full or must request a full or partial Good Faith Efforts waiver from one or both of the participation goals. Failure to meet the participation goals or establish they have made good faith efforts to meet the participation goals will result in rejection of a proposal as nonresponsive. The goals that have been established for this Project are set forth below: SDB - 9% VBE - 3% THIS SOLICITATION MUST BE VIEWED IN JAGGAER. PROPOSAL SUBMITTALS WILL ONLY BE ACCEPTED ELECTRONICALLY THROUGH JAGGAER. All Offerors are required to create a user profile within the Commonwealth's JAGGAER portal. The Commonwealth has made significant changes to the SDB and VBE requirements, and failure to meet these requirements may result in your proposal being deemed nonresponsive. Therefore, the Issuing Office will hold an SDB and VBE Goal Information Session for this RFP which we highly recommend you attend. The purpose of this Session is to provide an overview of the RFP and SDB and VBE Participation submission instructions. Offerors may ask questions in accordance with Section 10, Questions and Answers contained in the Jaggaer Description Section. Offerors may also ask questions during the Goal Information Session, however responses provided during the Session are not official until the question is submitted in writing using the Q&A Board in JAGGAER. Q&A Board questions and written responses shall become part of this RFP. Bids must be received by the purchasing agency on the Solicitation Due Date no later than the Solicitation Due Time as set forth in the solicitation. Any conflict between the dates and/or times contained in the solicitation itself or its attachments and this advertisement shall be resolved in favor of the solicitation.



Public - State/Provincial

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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Multiple Locations, Harrisburg, PA

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