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Published October 25, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a playground / park / athletic field in Oakville, Ontario. Completed plans call for site work for a playground / park / athletic field.

This Request for Proposals (the "RFP") is an invitation by the Town of Oakville to prospective proponents to submit proposals for North Park Water Play Area, as further described in Section A of the RFP Particulars (Appendix B) (the "Deliverables"). The Town is seeking proposals from qualified water play equipment manufacturers for the design, supply and installation of a recirculation water play system with components as outlined below. The new water play area will be installed within North Park Sports Park located at 3170 Neyagawa Boulevard, refer to Appendix G for the water play area layout. North Park Sports Park is a destination park that will attract users beyond town boundaries. It is a community level park programmed with many active facilities such as a skateboard park, pump track, outdoor fitness circuit, playground area with rubberized surfacing, a basketball court, dog park, sports fields and a fieldhouse. The successful proponent shall be retained directly by a general park contractor. The general contractor will be procured by the Town through a pre-qualification and tendering process. It is expected the general contractor shall be retained by April 2022. The water play component shall be carried in the park construction tender as an allowance item. The general park contractor shall prepare the subgrade and granular layers (including grading and compaction). The splash pad surface is to be poured in place concrete and will be installed by the general contractor once the proponent completes their installation and testing. The proponent is required to provide ongoing communication and coordination with the pre-qualified landscape contractor. The schedule to open the park is June 01, 2023. The total upset budget for this splash pad is three hundred and thirty thousands dollars ($330,000) (excluding taxes). This budget includes, but is not limited to, the supply and install of equipment, non-slip catch basin cover(s), initial start-up, first winterization, plumbing, mechanical, electrical and grounding associated with the splash pad. The following sections of the project will be completed by others: - the main water service for the water play mechanical room; - the hydro service (including meter and back flow preventers) for for the water play mechanical room; and - the concrete surfacing for the water play area. Documents can be obtained at: https://oakville.bidsandtenders.ca Question Deadline: Thu Jan 20, 2022 2:00:00 PM (EST) Award value not released for publication.


Playgrounds / Parks / Athletic Fields


Public - City

Site Work




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3170 Neyagawa Blvd, Oakville, ON

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