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Published June 6, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work, new construction and renovation of a mixed-use development in Decatur, Georgia. Completed plans call for the construction of a 15,000-square-foot, two-story above grade laboratory facility; for the renovation of a laboratory facility; and for site work for a laboratory facility.

Per the owner, the contractor mobilized in January 2023. As of June 2023, construction is underway. Closed solicitation is included below for reference. .................. STEP 1 The scope of the project will include the design and construction of a new Administrative and Training Building along with the renovation of the first and second floors of the existing laboratory building located on the DPH's campus in Decatur, Georgia. The new facility will be located on the East side of the campus. It is envisioned the new building will be a twostory structure with approximately 15,000 square feet of space to support a training area, offices, conference room, and flexible space for future needs. Roughly 30 parking spaces are also needed. Renovations to the existing laboratory building will include interior upgrades on the first and second floors. It is envisioned the renovation will include space for the following: o BSL-2 and BSL-3 areas o Diagnostic Testing o Sequencing/data analytics o Specimen receiving area o Conversion of existing lab space into a more modular based concept o Repurposing existing space to accommodate new operations o Modification to MEP systems as needed o Addition of a new elevator system that will enable DPH to isolate the transport of specimens between floors to the existing elevator. The renovations will also include modifications to systems to accommodate a new modular set up, not limited to brining gas/water/extraction from floor/walls to ceiling locations for flexibility. The design of spaces should also take into account chain of custody protocols. The preliminary stated (construction) cost limitation (SCL) for the Project is estimated to be $20,073,175.00. The final SCL may differ due to actual program requirements, funding, and other circumstances. Design professional services will begin in the first quarter of 2022 with the anticipated completion of the design by the end of 2022. Construction should start as soon as possible and may begin with the issuance of an early package for site or other components of the scope. Construction duration to reach Material Completion for the new building is estimated at approximately 10 to 11 months, with the entire scope of work for the new construction and renovation being completed not later than the end of June 2024 (All of the dates above are estimates which are subject to change.) Deadline for submission of written questions and requests for clarification (See 4. Submittals of Questions and Requests for Clarification below) 1/13/2022 2:00 PM . Questions about any aspect of the RFQ, RFP, or the project, shall be submitted in writing via e-mail to: Jeff Lacks, Director of Procurement Services 404-463-5740 jeff.lacks@gsfic.ga.gov STEP 2 The contract for Architectural and Engineering professional services will be generally based on the Design Professional Agreement for the Construction Manager as General Contractor Delivery located on the Georgia State Financing and Investment Commission website Deadline for finalist submission of written questions and requests for clarification 2/8/2022 2:00 PM Questions about any aspect of the RFP, or the project, shall be submitted in writing via e-mailto: Jeff Lacks, Director of Procurement Services 404-463-5740 jeff.lacks@gsfic.ga.gov *This project has been updated to Award status based on historical confirmations and outreach. Recent inquiries have gone unreturned. If you have any current information on this project, please notify our editorial staff at contentcase@constructconnect.com.

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Public - State/Provincial

New Construction, Renovation, Site Work

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February 13, 2023


To Be Determined, Decatur, GA

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