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Published January 6, 2022 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for an office development in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Completed plans call for site work for a office development.

The purpose of Request for Proposal (RFP) 2022-SSAE-0105 is to solicit and obtain, from licensed and qualified Contractors, labor and materials for the installation of 10,000 SF of playground turf and approximately 250 LF of fencing at Springs Studio for Academic Excellence. This field will be used by elementary through high school students for recess play area. Tab 1 - Pricing and Schedule Include all costs and proposed timeline to start and complete work. Indicate any exceptions to the scope of services with your proposed cost. Contractors are encouraged to provide their best financial incentives with the initial proposal, since District 49 reserves the right to award a contract based on initial proposals without further discussion or negotiation. Furthermore, if necessitated by the budget or desire of District 49, District 49 reserves the right to adjust the scope of services with the chosen Contractor and issue a contract for a different sum than what was originally bid. Include a full project schedule that includes the earliest you could start, all project processes and tentative completion date. Please take into account current lead times and any other logistical concerns. Tab 2 - Sample Insurance Certificate and W9 Provide a sample insurance certificate that meets the Districts minimum insurance requirements and your company's W9. Tab 3 - Product Specifications Included detailed product specifications for what is being installed. Tab 4 - Qualification Statement Include a brief statement as to why you are a good fit for this work and list 3 jobs you have done in the last 3 years that are similar in scope. Please list the contact information (Phone and Email) for the 3 jobs. We might contact them for a reference. We will give preference to Colorado companies with successful projects in Colorado. Job Location 6113 Constitution Ave Question Acceptance Deadline 01/14/2022 02:00 AM EST Questions are submitted online Yes




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January 21, 2022

February 21, 2022


6113 Constitution Ave, Colorado Springs, CO

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