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Published June 22, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a playground / park / athletic field in Cleveland, Georgia. Completed plans call for site work for a playground / park / athletic field.

The White County Board of Commissioners is requesting sealed proposals from qualified vendors for the design, build and installation of an automatic gate and opener system at the entrance of the Parks and Recreation Asbestos Road location. Deadline for written questions to Finance Director January 26, 2022, 12:00 pm EST. A five percent (5%) proposal bond, a one hundred percent (100%) performance bond and/or a one hundred percent (100%) payment bond shall be furnished to White County if stated as a requirement in paragraph 1.8 in the "Introduction" section of this proposal. Bonding company must be authorized to do business in Georgia by the Georgia Insurance Commission, listed in the Department of Treasury's publication companies holding certificates of authority as acceptable surety on Federal bonds and as acceptable reinsuring companies and have an A.M. Best rating. The County reserves the right to reject the submittal of any vendor violating this provision The White County Board of Commissioners is requesting sealed proposals from qualified vendors for the design, build and installation of an automatic gate and opener system at the Parks and Recreation location, 327 Asbestos Road, Cleveland, GA, 30528. White County is requesting pricing on two options for the park front entrance, Option A and Option B. Photos are attached as samples for these options. White County will consider one of these options. Option C would be an additional gate inside the park facility. Cost is a determining factor if Option C will be completed as part of this project. The county will supply power and fiber/phone to gate location. Power meter and panel has already been installed at the Parks and Rec main entrance. Each gate and system must include: - Two (2) 11' wide steel swing gates, color black - Multi-function, programmable gate opener/closer system with in-ground safety and exit loops - Concrete footers and rock pillars will be installed by a separate vendor and constructed to accommodate gates - Commercial lightning protection - Safety beam to prevent gates closing on a vehicle - Metal keypad, on metal pedestal in concrete, that will hold multiple codes - Wireless receiver and four (4) visor clickers that will open gates remotely - Event timer that will handle multiple schedules - System must be capable of automatically opening gate upon loss of power - Yelp siren sensor system - Telephone entry keypad so that gate functions can be communicated with cell phones and land lines - System must be attached to a network and have monitoring capabilities Option A: - Gate measures 5' high on short sides, 8' high on long side - 2" thick steel frame with 1/4 " plasma cut scenic inlay. Instead of hiker, bicyclist, deer, fish and bear as pictured on sample photo, scenic inlay will be the White County Parks and Recreation logo (see attached). Option B: - Gate measures 5 ' high on outer edges and 6' high on inner edges - Large letters in gate will be "W" and "C" in black or navy blue Option C: - Basic slide or swing gate inside park leading to Yonah Preserve Park


Playgrounds / Parks / Athletic Fields


Public - County

Site Work

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February 9, 2022

October 11, 2022


327 Asbestos Rd, Cleveland, GA

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