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Published January 12, 2022 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of an educational facility in Buchanan, Michigan. Completed plans call for the renovation of a educational facility.

Buchanan Community Schools is currently accepting proposals to provide and install network cabling infrastructure at our Buchanan High School campus. It has been close to 15 years since the current cabling infrastructure was upgraded. At that time, many standards were not followed. We have determined a nearly full removal of existing cabling and installation of faster cabling is required along with additional access to classrooms and key areas. Buchanan High School serves as the District's 8th through 12th grade campus. There are approximately 45 classrooms located between two floors of the main building and two outbuildings. Nearly all existing wired networking equipment and cabling needs to be removed. New network data drops need to be installed in all classrooms and various other locations throughout the campus. The scope of this project includes: Removal of indicated existing Ethernet infrastructure in each of the campus buildings. Demolition/removal should be scheduled in such a way that service interruptions are minimized in key office areas. Installation, routing and termination of all new Ethernet cable. This will include coring through walls whenever necessary. Cable routes will be discussed during the site visit. All infrastructure will be installed according to local, state and federal building codes and according to industry best practices as of the date of installation. Cable shall be rated Cat. 6 with correspondingly rated termination. Cable color is not specific, however jack color will be: Drop Type A: Orange, B: White, C: Green (More details provided on physical topology map. A new technology closet/rack will be installed. A wall mounted rack will be needed of the appropriate size to fit the connections routed there. All Jacks will be properly labeled at both ends. All new infrastructure will be tested and verified with a finalized report provided to the Director of Technology no more than two weeks from project completion. A start and end date within the timelines outlined herein.




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401 W Chicago St, Buchanan, MI

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