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Published February 17, 2025 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and new construction of an educational facility in Boca Raton, Florida. Conceptual plans call for the construction of a 150,000-square-foot educational facility; and for site work for a educational facility.

Broward, Martin and Palm Beach County house 3.2 Million residents with the numbers growing daily. The migration to Florida has led to a critical shortage in health care professionals and in fact, Florida ranked #41 of all states in overall healthcare in 2020. Florida has an estimated shortage of 60,000 nurses currently. A shortage of 17,000 doctors is anticipated in the near future. The FAU Health Professionals Building will be focused on ensuring a pipeline for developing a health care workforce for our region, trained to address our changing environment of today and tomorrow. This 150,000 gsf facility will blend experiential learning for trainees with patient engagement and patient-oriented research. All colleges at FAU, including nursing, medicine, engineering, science, education, business, social work and arts and letters, will be able to expand their ability to train the needed workforce in an interprofessional environment. Our regional partners in Palm Beach, Broward and Martin counties have expressed a willingness to partner in faculty and learner experiences, recruitment ,and retention to ensure that we optimize the numbers and the depth and breadth of experiences of our health care professionals. Our joint academic endeavors will allow for the innovative solutions necessary to tackle the workforce crisis. This facility will allow the colleges to expand their annual enrollment such that FAU could graduate over 300 nurses, 104 MDs, and 150 social workers a year. Resident training programs will expand to address the doctor shortage. Cross-disciplinary training in technology, engineering, business, and data science will ensure that the workforce of tomorrow has the necessary skills to serve the community’s needs. As of February 17, 2025, this project is in the conceptual phase and currently unfunded. An architect has not been selected. A firm timeline for construction has not been established. The project is included in the State University System FY 2025-26 through 2029-30 Capital Improvement Plan (CIP). *Project information has been obtained through a public capital improvement plan (CIP). A CIP is a financial schedule for short- and long-range projects which is updated regularly. Information listed in the CIP often evolves based on funding availability and the project details, including timeline and value, are subject to change. The content management team will continue to pursue additional details as they become available.




Public - State/Provincial

New Construction, Site Work

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June 1, 2026


777 Glades Rd, Boca Raton, FL

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