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Published March 11, 2022 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and renovation of a water / sewer project in Calmar, Iowa. Completed plans call for the renovation of a water / sewer project; and for site work for a water / sewer project.

Bidders shall not be permitted to withdraw their bids for a period of thirty (30) days after the same are opened. By virtue of statutory authority, a preference will be given to products and provisions grown and coal produced within the State of Iowa and to Iowa domestic labor. Pursuant to Chapter 73 of the Code of Iowa, out-of-state bidders are hereby advised of the Iowa Bidding Preference Law extending to Iowa firms any preference which may be (a) strict preference, (b) reciprocal preference, or (c) combination preference and reciprocal. Application of such preference will be extended from any "public improvement" as defined in Chapter 73A of the Code of Iowa. On February 7, 2022, at 5:30 p.m., at the Calmar Fire Station, the City Council of the City of Calmar shall consider the construction bids received and either award a contract, reject all bids, or adjourn action thereon to a subsequent meeting of the City Council. All bids shall NOT include Iowa Sales Tax for materials used in the project. Upon award, the successful bidder shall immediately provide a listing of subcontractors and associated Federal ID or Social Security Numbers for both the contractor and subcontractors. The City will register the contractor and subcontractors with the Iowa Department of Revenue and will provide appropriate certificates to the contractor for distribution and use. Bidders shall be expected to comply with Chapters 91C and 103A of the Code of Iowa concerning the registration and bonding of construction contractors and the successful bidder shall be required to supply the City of Calmar with proof of said compliance. Major components of the Work include: All necessary labor, supervision, equipment, tools, and materials for the installation of manholes, sewer piping and services, watermain and services, hydrants, curb and gutter, and HMA pavement. Approximate quantities are as follows: Manholes: 3 EA Sewer: 579 LF Watermain 629 LF Pavement 350 TONS Website registration is necessary to ensure that prospective bidders remain informed of addendum and other essential communications prior to the bid date. Work under the proposed contract shall be completed within the following time requirements: Work shall commence upon the issuance of a written notice to proceed. Work shall be substantially complete by no later than September 1, 2022. All work shall be completed and ready for final acceptance by September 30, 2022. Once work has started, Substantial Completion shall be within 30 working days. Substantial completion is defined as follows: All work is complete except for finish grading of turf restoration areas, seeding and minor clean up. The contract times noted are subject to any extension which may be granted by the City Council of Calmar, Iowa. The City of Calmar, Iowa reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive technicalities and irregularities. Bids shall be directed to the City Clerk, securely sealed and endorsed upon the outside wrapper, "BID FOR THE MAPLE STREET UTILITY REPLACEMENT PROJECT." The City of Calmar reserves the right to reject any and all Bids, to waive irregularities and informalities therein and to award the Contract in the best interests of the City of Calmar. Plans and specifications governing the construction of the proposed improvements have been prepared by SEH, 215 North Adams, Mason City, Iowa, which plans and specifications, and also prior proceedings of the Calmar, Iowa, City Council referring to and defining said proposed improvements, are hereby made a part of this notice and the proposed contract by reference, and the proposed contract shall be executed in compliance therewith. The City encourages bids from qualified minority and female contractors. Payment for said "Maple Street Utility Replacement Project," will be made from the General Funds of the City of Calmar, or from such other funds as may be legally used for such purposes. Monthly estimates will be submitted to the ENGINEER and payment will be made to the CONTRACTOR in the amount of ninety-five percent (95%) of said estimate on or about the twentieth of the following month. Final payment will be made not sooner than thirty (30) days following final acceptance of the work by the City of Calmar. The bidder's attention is called to the prompt payment to the subcontractors under Chapter 573.12 of the Code of Iowa. The Work shall be constructed along Maple Street from West Street to Webster Street in the City of Calmar, Winneshiek County, Iowa.


Water / Sewer


Public - City

Renovation, Site Work





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February 3, 2022

March 7, 2022


W Maple St, Calmar, IA

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