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Published January 11, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a municipal facility in Frankfort, Kentucky. Design plans call for the renovation of a municipal facility.

As of January 11, 2023, a design team has been identified. A construction timeline has not been established yet. *The previous solicitation is listed below for reference. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The Commonwealth of Kentucky, Finance & Administration Cabinet, Division of Engineering and Contract Administration (DECA) is seeking design services for the Kentucky State Police (KSP). KSP has obtained funding to upgrade their emergency radio systems statewide. A portion of this funding has been allocated to upgrading the radio tower locations throughout the state. This project includes the Central Region of the state and may also include the Eastern Region as further funding is appropriated. The scope of this project includes two main portions of work - 1. Upgrading Existing Tower Sites - This includes replacing pre-manufactured existing equipment shelter buildings, replacing or providing new emergency power systems, and upgrading existing utilities if required. Many of these sites require installing new grounding systems to comply with Motorola R56 standards. 2. Install New Tower Sites - This includes providing new 100 or 150 foot communications towers with pre-manufactured equipment shelter buildings, new electrical utilities, emergency power systems, and required Motorola R56 site grounding. Within this scope of work there are two categories of new tower sites - brownfield and greenfield. The brownfield sites are located close to public vehicular access and utilities and are typically cleared lands previously developed. Greenfield sites are located outside of developed areas and require road and electric utility extensions to traverse to the site from public access points. The implementation of this project will include two phases for each new communications tower site. The first phase will be the pre-purchase of the communications tower steel structure. The second phase will be the design and construction of the communications tower compound along with the erecting of the new pre-purchased communications tower. To accomplish this phasing the Design Team will produce two bid packages, one for each phase per each new tower site. The Design Engineer will be required to provide structural designs for all tower foundations and therefore is required to have communications tower design experience. The standard tower design to be utilized shall be free standing solid steel leg towers. The design consultant needs to include tower climbing inspections as part of their services. Inspections shall provide confirmation that the work has been completed per plans and specs. The priority order for this work will begin with the Central Region with the goal to begin construction on the Central Region upgraded sites by Summer 2022. Then as new tower sites are identified and established by State Police the Design Team will commence the design effort for each pre-purchase tower and compound design. Land Surveying and Geotechnical exploration/testing may be added to the contract during design if DECA deems necessary for expediency. Currently the Commonwealth does not have adequate funding to complete the Eastern Region phase of this project. As funding become available the Commonwealth reserves the right to add the design services for those properties into the Design Team's contract via a Contract Modification. The schedule for the Eastern Region is to be determined based on funding authorization. The estimated number of sites is as follows: 1. Central Region a. 15 existing upgraded sites b. 20 new brownfield tower sites 2. Eastern Region a. 30 existing upgraded sites b. 50 new brownfield sites c. 15 new greenfield sites Short List Meeting: February 8, 2022. 2:30 PM, ET Virtual Meeting Interviews: February 17, 2022. 9:00 AM, 10:00 AM, 11:00 AM Virtual Meeting Selection Process: SHORTLIST WITH INTERVIEWS - KRS 45A.825(8) Technical Advisor for this project: Frieda Myers, Div of Engineering, 403 Wapping Street, 2nd Floor, Frankfort, KY 40601, Phone: (502) 782-0328, Email: Frieda.Myers@ky.gov Requests for Information: Amanda Greer: Phone: (502) 330-8159. E-mail: Amanda.Greer@ky.gov Project Budget: $10,410,000.00 Central Region. Potential additional project budget of $33,915,000 East Region ($44,325,000 potential revised total) *The value for this project is based on a financial range. The value is listed as the highest possible cost from the range provided by a stakeholder or official project document.




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January 27, 2023


Multiple Locations, Frankfort, KY

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