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Site work for a water / sewer project in Saugus, Massachusetts. Completed plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

Spring Pond Dam Rehabilitation Project. Scope of work includes rehabilitation of an earthen embankment dam and outlet improvements, including: installation of a temporary cofferdam in Spring Pond to facilitate work on the upstream slope of the dam: installation of a temporary flow bypass system from Spring Pond to Griswold Pond: filling and grading to reshape the downstream and upstream earth embankment slopes of the dam: restoration of disturbed areas and appurtenant work. The scope of work includes rehabilitation of an earthen embankment dam and outlet improvements as indicated on the Contract Documents. The base bid includes but is not limited to the following: -Install and monitor perimeter erosion and sedimentation controls along the limits of work for the duration of the project. -Establishing traffic control measures (including providing police details), construction access roads, and staging areas. -Removal and disposal of existing guardrail. -Clearing, tree removal, and grubbing within the limits of work as indicated in the Contract Documents. -Installation of a temporary cofferdam in Spring Pond to facilitate work on the upstream slope of the dam. -Installation of a temporary flow bypass system from Spring Pond to Griswold Pond. -Location and protection of existing utilities within the dam embankment. -Excavation within existing pavement and embankment soils to remove existing outlet pipes to be replaced. -Installation of four new ductile iron outlet pipes through the embankment as indicated in the Contract Documents. -Filling and grading to reshape the downstream and upstream earth embankment slopes of the dam. Includes placement of non-woven filter fabric, structural fill, crushed stone and riprap. -Loaming and seeding of disturbed areas and restoration of site features. -Reconstruction and repaving of roadway (Lake Dam Road) disturbed by construction, including installation of new guardrails. -Placement of excavatable controlled density fill (CDF) to the extents indicated in the Contract Documents. Removal of erosion and sedimentation controls and any traffic control signage and barriers. -Removal of the temporary cofferdam and temporary flow bypass system. -Restoration of areas disturbed by construction activity.

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Water / Sewer


Public - City

Site Work




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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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Multiple Locations, Saugus, MA

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