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Site work for a playground / park / athletic field in Lake Leelanau, Michigan. Completed plans call for site work for a playground / park / athletic field.

Leelanau County is seeking proposals from interested and qualified vendors experienced in constructing commercial drives for the purpose of building a new entrance to the Veronica Valley County Park, located at 4243 S. Lake Leelanau Dr., Lake Leelanau, Michigan: The County initiated this Request for Proposals (hereinafter referred to as "RFP") to solicit proposals from experienced Respondents interested in constructing an entrance drive located at the Work Site. The RFP will allow the County to identify a qualified Respondent able to exercise appropriate skill and judgment; furnish efficient site administration, management services, and supervision; furnish an adequate supply of workers and materials; and perform the desired work in an expeditious and economical manner consistent with the County's interests (hereinafter referred to as the "Services"). In responding to this RFP, Respondents must follow the prescribed format as outlined herein. The proposals should describe in detail the Respondent's ability to provide the Services, while identifying the Leelanau County Board of Commissioners' (hereinafter referred to as the "Board of Commissioners") future financial obligations for such Services, as applicable. The Veronica Valley County Park is characterized by gently rolling hills, open space, wetlands, and forested wetlands that include dense strands of white cedar. The property has three (3) bridges and six (6) ponds. This RFP is for the construction of an entrance drive, including the installation of traffic control signage, per the Leelanau County Road Commission, as outlined in Section 3.4, Scope of Work. The Respondent will be deemed non-responsive and rejected without any further evaluation if the Respondent does not meet the following minimum qualifications. Any deviations from these specifications, if fully explained in a letter, shall receive full consideration if they are in the best interest of the County. a) At least two (2) years of significant experience, competence, and reputation of the persons assigned to provide the Service described in the Scope of Work; and b) Satisfactory client references (as applicable); and c) Pricing acceptable to the County; and d) Availability to service the needs of the County in a convenient and timely manner. Payment in full shall be made at the completion of the project to the County's satisfaction and processed through the County's normal billing process. Any contract awarded as a result of this RFP is contingent upon the availability of funding, as determined by the Board of Commissioners. The period of performance of any contract resulting from this RFP is tentatively scheduled to begin upon award of and execution of a contract. The County wishes to enter into a two (2) month contract. The contract will include options to cancel in the event of fault or no fault. The Project Administrator is the sole point of contact regarding this RFP. All communication between prospective proposers, Respondents, and the County upon receipt of this RFP shall be with the Project Administrator, as follows: Chet Janik, County Administrator 8527 E. Government Center Dr., Suite #101 Suttons Bay, MI 49682 Telephone: 231-256-9711 Facsimile: 231-256-0120 E-mail: Questions Due to Administration .................................................February 3, 2022 5:00 p.m. Questions Responses....................................................................February 7, 2022 Notice of Intent...........................................................................February 11, 2022 Complete Proposal Review.........................................................February 24, 2022 Notice of Award ............................................................................. March 16, 2022 Work later than fifteen (15) working days after the start of project *The list of planholders and/or interested bidders is not being tracked by the stakeholders involved with this project. If you are an interested contractor and wish to be listed as a bidder, please notify our editorial staff at

Bid Results

Playgrounds / Parks / Athletic Fields


Public - County

Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.

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Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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February 18, 2022

March 21, 2022


4243 S Lake Leelanau Dr, Lake Leelanau, MI

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