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Published February 18, 2022 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a mixed-use development in Millboro, Virginia. Completed plans call for the renovation of a office development; and playground / park / athletic field.

I. PURPOSE: The purpose and intent of this Quick Quote is to obtain a fixed price bid for flooring replacement in the Main Office at Douthat State Park, Located at 14239 Douthat State Park Rd. The Contractor shall provide all labor, supervision, equipment, tools, parts and materials as necessary to remove and install flooring as in the description listed below. II. SPECIFICATIONS/SCOPE OF WORK: Contractor shall provide a fixed price bid to include labor, equipment, demo, supplies, and new material to provide floor installation at the designated areas below with estimated specifications, located on the grounds at Douthat State Park, Located at 14239 Douthat State Park Rd . Contact the Park directly for an appointment to view the affected areas. Derek Deeds Office 540-862-8100 Cell 540-620-6766 email derek.deeds@dcr.virginia.gov. A site visit roster will be maintained to document proof of visit. Mandatory Site Visit will have to be completed by Wednesday January 26th 2022. A. GENERAL PROJECT REQUIREMENTS/CONTRACTOR REQUIREMENTS: 1. The contractor shall remove existing carpet and cove base molding, provide and install selected replacement flooring and cove base molding based on a square foot all-inclusive price per foot. No additional fees or charges will be allowed. a. Work may require old glue removal and / or repair to floor as needed to make suitable for new material. 2. The contractor will provide at minimum a preferred quality, color / brand flooring as specified in section II, B. OR Agency Approved equal product presented at the time of site visit. 3. The contractor shall coordinate selected flooring brand, color and style with park staff prior to bid at time of site visit within the specs listed. See attached photo under section II, B for reference. 4. The contractor shall provide floor preparation included in pricing as recommended by product installation. 5. The contractor shall conduct installations between the dates of February 1st 2022 through February 28th, 2022. 6. Contractor work crews will NOT be provided on site lodging unless reservations are made independently by the contractor through the Virginia State Park reservation system. 7. Work Hours: All Services shall be performed during normal business hours between 8:00 A.M. and 4:30 P.M. Monday through Friday, except for State and Federal Holidays, unless mutually agreed upon by the Contractor and the Park Contact. 8. Park staff will remove cabinets, filing cabinets, office personal belongings, and furniture as the job progresses from one location to another to allow removal and replacement of flooring. 9. Contractor will coordinate with park the schedule of installation as to allow park staff to remove cabinets, filing cabinets, office personal belongings, and furniture on a daily basis once the work begins. . B. PRODUCT REQUIREMENTS/SPECIFICATIONS OR AGENCY APPROVED EQUAL PRESENTED AT TIME OF SITE VISIT: 1. Flooring Product must a vinyl or laminate lock together or glue down LVT plank style floor. See photo for example of color (Victorian pine / rustic wood look). a. A minimum of 2.5MM overall thickness. b. A minimum 20 Mil wear layer thickness.

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January 26, 2022

February 1, 2022


14239 Douthat State Park Rd, Millboro, VA

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