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Site work and new construction of a civil project in Papillion, Nebraska. Working plans call for the construction of a water / sewer project; and for site work for a water / sewer project.

The Sarpy County and Cities Wastewater Agency (SCCWWA) is seeking request for proposals (RFP) for a Construction Management at Risk (CMaR) contract for the remaining construction of all the Phase 1A Sewer System, generally located between Highway 50 in Springfield, Nebraska and the SCCWWA of Omaha's Papillion Creek Waste Resource Recovery Facility (PCWRRF). SCCWWA that they have been pre-qualified will be allowed to provide a proposal for this project. Contact will be made by Jeffrey L. Thompson, Agency Engineer, 1210 Golden Gate Drive, Papillion, NE 68046. Information can be received from Jeffrey L. Thompson, Agency Engineer, 1210 Golden Gate Drive, Papillion, NE 68046, (402) 593-4164, or The proposed project area is generally located between the City of Springfield's Wastewater Treatment Facility (SWWTF) at 17305 S Hwy 50 and extends east to the City of Omaha's Papillion Creek Waste Resource Recovery Facility (PCWRRF) located at 15705 Harlan Lewis Road in Bellevue, Nebraska. The project is commonly referred to as Phase 1A of the system. Phase 1A will include three (3) lift stations, approximately 16 miles of force main interceptor and approximately 1.5 miles of gravity main interceptor Springfield Lift Station The proposed Springfield Creek Lift Station will be constructed south of the City of Springfield at the existing Springfield Wastewater Treatment Facility (SWWTF) located at 17305 S Hwy 50 and would collect sanitary flows from the Springfield Creek and Buffalo Creek Basins. Flows from the Springfield Creek Basin will be conveyed to the lift station from the proposed Springfield Creek interceptor sewer (not part of this project scope and is currently under construction). It is anticipated that the proposed interceptor will eventually include existing flows diverted from the SWWTF, which may be abandoned (not part of this project scope) upon final completion and start-up of the Phase 1A projects. Future flows from the Buffalo Creek Basin will be conveyed to the lift station through a future interceptor sewer or force main. The Springfield Creek Lift Station will pump flows to the wet well of the Mitchell Road Lift Station. The initial pump configuration for this station will be two (2)-335 HP, Flygt Model NP3231/775 with a maximum impeller diameter of 430 mm. The maximum capacity of the initial duty pump will be approximately 5.2 MGD with one (1) corresponding standby pump. The wet well will be a circular cast-in-place concrete structure approximately 44 feet in depth. . Mitchell Road Lift Station- The Mitchell Road Lift Station will be constructed on the north side of Mitchell Road between South 108th Street and South 99th Street. The Mitchell Road Lift Station will collect the discharge from the Springfield Creek Lift Station and pump flow east to the transition structure located in the vicinity of South 36th Street and Platteview Road. The transition structure would include a free discharge and pumped flow will transition to gravity flow. The initial pump configuration for this station will be two (2)-250 HP, Flygt Model NP3231/745 with a maximum impeller diameter of 385 mm. The maximum capacity of the initial duty pump will be approximately 5.7 MGD with one (1) corresponding standby pump. Zwiebel Creek Lift Station The Zwiebel Creek Lift Station will be constructed north of Platteview Road along South 63rd Street and would collect sanitary flows from the proposed Zwiebel Creek interceptor sewer. The Zwiebel Creek Lift Station would pump flow east to a transition structure. Flow from the Zwiebel Creek Lift Station would be combined with pumped flow from the Mitchell Road Lift Station at the connection point to the dual force mains in the vicinity of South 53rd Street and Platteview Road. The proposed lift station site is being coordinated with the Platteview Road Expressway Project. It is anticipated that South 53rd Street could be widened in the future as a part of the Platteview Road Project. Additionally, a future interchange at South 63 rd Street or further east is possible, which could impact a lift station at this location. As such, the proposed lift station will be located east of South 63rd Street to allow for future roadway improvements and be coordinated with the future interchange. Segment 1 Force Main: Springfield Lift Station to Mitchell Road Lift Station The Segment 1 force mains will consist of both a 14-inch force main and a 20-inch force main which will convey flows from the Springfield Creek Lift Station east to the Mitchell Road Lift Station wet well. Segment 2 Force Main: Mitchell Lift Station to Zwiebel Creek Lift Station The Segment 2 force mains will consist of a 16-inch force main and a 24-inch force main which will convey flows from the Mitchell Road Lift Station east to a location just upstream of the Zwiebel Creek Lift Station connection.


Water / Sewer


Public - County

New Construction, Site Work

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Multiple Locations, Papillion, NE

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