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Site work and paving for a sidewalk / parking lot in Salisbury, Maryland. Completed plans call for site work for a sidewalk / parking lot; and for paving for a sidewalk / parking lot.

Wor-Wic Community College is in preparation of resurfacing the North parking lot which is located adjacent to Fulton-Owen Hall. The work will entail cold milling existing asphalt pavement and repaving the parking lot. The work will begin after March 24, 2022 and shall be completed before June 30, 2022. The millings for the parking lot shall be taken off-site by the contractor unless directed otherwise. The College's representative will coordinate with the contractor the scheduling and completion of the parking lot. The North parking lot consists of 382 parking spaces (12 ADA) and is approximately 130,000 square feet. These measurements shall be field verified prior to construction, but bidders shall base bid prices on the above; any discrepancy in the size of the parking lot will be discussed with the successful bidder. As an add- alternate, the contractor shall demolish concrete aprons (approximately 3,400 SF as shown on the drawing) and replace with crusher run, then overlay with asphalt. This parking lot also has three PV (photovoltaic) solar-paneled carports that have approximately nine to twelve feet clearance from existing asphalt pavement. Refer to Exhibit A for a vicinity map, existing conditions, and site plan. Note: Exhibit A will be made available prior to the pre-bid meeting on January 31, 2022. The final construction shall keep the same number of parking spaces. Any signage and related fixtures thereof shall be removed (prior to construction), salvaged, and replaced after construction by the contractor. If particular items cannot be salvaged and/or replaced, it shall be brought to the representative of Wor-Wic Community College attention immediately. The contractor shall employ a full-time competent superintendent and necessary assistants who shall have complete authority to act for the contractor on all matters pertaining to the work. The superintendent shall be on-site at all times and remain on-site through the duration of the project, unless prior authorization is obtained from Wor-Wic Community College. The superintendent must be accessible to the Representative of Wor-Wic Community College by cell phone. The superintendent shall be satisfactory to the College and if not, then shall be replaced by the contractor with one that is acceptable. The contractor shall keep the premises clean and free from accumulation of waste materials and rubbish. At the end of each workday, all waste materials and rubbish shall be removed from the premises at the contractor's expense. The College's disposal containers shall not be used unless specifically authorized by the Representative of Wor-Wic Community College. The contractor shall contact Miss Utilities and/or a private utility locator prior to construction. All utilities within the Limits of Disturbance shall be marked before work begins. The college's representative shall be notified of any disturbances to college's utility services during construction. Repairs of said services shall be the contractor's responsibility and must be addressed within 24 hours. The Contractor shall conform to the attached Exhibit B Asphalt Paving Specification 321216 in regard to performing the stated work. March 24, 2022 Pre-construction meeting and begin work. June 30, 2022 Work must be completed.


Sidewalks / Parking Lot


Public - County

Paving, Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.

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February 18, 2022

March 24, 2022


32000 Campus Dr, Salisbury, MD

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