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Published May 30, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a museum in Erlanger, Kentucky. Completed plans call for the renovation of a museum.

The bid advertisement may be viewed in full at erlangerky.gov or at 505 Commonwealth Avenue, Erlanger, KY 41018, 859-727-2525. The City of Erlanger Depot Facility Interior Renovation Project, located at 3319 Crescent Avenue Erlanger, Kentucky 41018, will consist of the following: - Inspection of existing site - Design and construction of new restroom, kitchenette, exterior ADA ramp, and doorway modifications a. Concept plan found under attachment section All General Design Build Contractors shall be properly licensed to perform all requested work and services. Interior: The proposed restroom shall be constructed to be ADA compliant with access from the upper floor of the meeting area only. The existing restroom shall have a new doorway #5 installed on the opposite wall of the existing doorway #8. The kitchenette will be located in the southwest corner of the meeting area along with a new set of french doors to replace wooden doors #10 to access the deck area. There is one doorway to be modified and have a door installed #2, one doorway opening #4 to be framed and covered with matching wall materials along with one new opening #12, with door and steps installed that lead from the meeting room to the museum area. Exterior: A ramp walkway that is ADA compliant will be added from the existing deck leading to the north east corner parking stall that will be modified with curbing and landscaped. Ramp and railing will be added to match the existing deck and railing materials around Depot Museum

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3319 Crescent Ave, Erlanger, KY

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