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Site work and new construction of an educational facility in Rancho Cucamonga, California. Completed plans call for the construction of a educational facility; and for site work for a educational facility.

The Project will be constructed using a multi-prime delivery system. 1.01 Submittal of Bid Proposals. All Bid Proposals shall be submitted on forms furnished by the District. Bid Proposals must conform with, and be responsive to, the Bid and Contract Documents, copies of which may be obtained from the District as set forth above. The District may reject Bid Proposals submitted to the District after the date and time set forth above for the public opening and reading of Bid Proposals. Bidders viewing plans online are responsible for requesting to be included on the Planholders List. Bid sets are also available for viewing in the Construction Manager's office. Bidders are responsible for confirmation that they have viewed all addenda prior to the bid deadline and will be required to acknowledge addenda on their bid form. Each Bid Proposal shall consist of at least the following components plus any other items identified in the Instructions for Bidders: A. Bid Form B. Bid Security C. List of Subcontractors D. Non-Collusion Affidavit All information or responses of a Bidder in its Bid Proposal and other documents accompanying the Bid Proposal shall be complete, accurate and true; incomplete, inaccurate or untrue responses or information provided therein by a Bidder may be grounds for the District to reject such Bidder's Bid Proposal for non-responsiveness. In accordance with the provisions of California Public Contract Code 3300 and 20111.6, Bidders with the following California license classifications who wish to bid on the Project described above are required to be pre-qualified as a condition of submitting a bid: A or B License, MEP, Solar and Sheet Metal License: C04, C-7, C-10, C-16, C-20, C-34, C-36, C-38, C-42, C-43 and or C-46 and such pre-qualified Bidders may submit bids in the categories below: BC 01 General Package (B) and prequalified through the CJUHSD. 1.06 Bid Security. Each Bid Proposal shall be accompanied by Bid Security in an amount not less than TEN PERCENT (10%) of the maximum amount of the Bid Proposal, inclusive of any additive Alternate Bid Item(s). Failure of any Bid Proposal to be accompanied by Bid Security in the form and in the amount required may render such Bid Proposal to be deemed nonresponsive and rejected by the District. 1.07 No Withdrawal of Bid Proposals. Bid Proposals shall not be withdrawn by any Bidder for a period of ninety (90) days after the opening of Bid Proposals. During this time, all Bidders shall guarantee prices quoted in their respective Bid Proposals. 1.08 Waiver of Irregularities. The District reserves the right to reject any or all Bid Proposals or to waive any irregularities or informalities in any Bid. Proposal or in the bidding. 1.09 Award of Contract. The Contracts for the Work, if awarded, will be by action of the District's Board of Trustees to the responsible Bidder submitting the lowest responsive Bid Proposal in each Category of Work. If the Bid Proposal requires Bidders to propose prices for Alternate Bid Items, the District's selection of Alternate Bid Items, if any, for determination of the lowest priced Bid Proposal and for inclusion in the scope of the Contract to be awarded shall be in accordance with this Notice and the Instructions for Bidders. 1.10 Inquiries and Clarifications. This document is for informational purposes and shall not relieve the Bidder of the requirements to fully familiarize itself with all the factors affecting the Project and the Bid. The Bidder is advised that all inquiries and larifications about the Bid Documents, Drawings, Specifications, etc., shall be submitted to the District in writing at least five (5) days before the bid opening date. The District will respond at its earliest possible opportunity. Oral communication by either party with regard to this matter is invalid. SELECTION BY PRIORITIZATION The Bid Alternates are listed in order of highest priority (i.e., Alternate No. 1 is the highest priority and so on). If the Base Bid amount is less than the Estimated Value for that Category in the Project Budget, additive Bid Alternate amounts will be added in priority order until another Alternate cannot be added without exceeding the Estimated Value for that Category in the Project Budget. The Contract for that Category will be awarded, if at all, on the basis of the Base Bid amount plus the largest possible number of additive Bid Alternates while remaining at or within the Estimated Value for that Category in the Project Budget. If the Base Bid amount exceeds the Estimated Value in the Project Budget for that Category, deductive Bid Alternate amounts will be deducted from the Base Bid amount in priority order (lowest numbered Alternate to highest) until the amount is less than or equal to the Estimated Value in the Project Budget for that Category. The Contract will be awarded, if at all, on the basis of the Base Bid amount minus the fewest possible number of deductive Bid Alternates while remaining at or within the Estimated Value in the Project Budget for that Category. The District may award the Contract on the basis of the Base Bid only if no combination of Base Bid amounts plus additive Bid Alternates can be accomplished within the Estimated Value in the Project Budget for that Category, provided that the Base Bid amount is less than or equal to the Estimated Value in the Project Budget for that Category. 1.12 Disabled Veteran Business Enterprises Participation Goals. The District has established a participation goal of three percent (3%) for Disabled Veteran Business Enterprises ("DVBE") for the Work of the Project. The District's forms of DVBE Participation Program Policy and Report are included in the Contract Documents. Pre-qualified licensed and experienced Minority, Women and Disabled Veteran Business Enterprises Contractors and Suppliers are encouraged to bid on the work and project. 1.13 Bidders are advised that this contract is public work for purposes of the California Labor Code, which requires payment of prevailing wages. Wage rates can be obtained from the Director of the Department of Industrial Relations. As of March 1, 2015 all contractors bidding on a public works project must be registered with the Department of Industrial Relations pursuant to Labor Code section 1725.5.

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Public - County

New Construction, Site Work

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6001 Milliken Ave, Rancho Cucamonga, CA

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