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Published March 31, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a road / highway in Bismarck, North Dakota. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway.

ADVERTISEMENT The Board of City Commissioners of the City of Bismarck is seeking bids to provide Traffic Signal Video Detection Systems. All bids will be submitted to the City Administrator at P.O. Box 5503, Bismarck, ND 58506-5503, or 221 North Fifth Street, Bismarck, North Dakota 58501, by 3:00 p.m. Central Standard Time, Wednesday, February 9, 2022. The Video Detection Systems must be provided according to the specifications provided by the City. Bids will be opened at 4:00 p.m., Wednesday, February 9, 2022 in the Mayor's Conference Room located on the 4th floor of the City/County Building at 221 North 5th Street. In light of the COVID-19 epidemic, we would like to protect you and our staff as much as possible. We are offering the ability to appear at the bid opening via video/audio on Microsoft Teams, in addition to appearing in person. There is no charge for this. If you wish to appear virtually at the bid opening, please send your email address to kbohrer @bismarcknd.gov no later than 3:00 p.m. on the bid opening day. We will arrange a video bid opening for you to see and hear as the bids are opened. The bids must be mailed to or deposited with the City Administrator by the deadline for submission and shall be sealed and endorsed "Proposal for Traffic Signal Video Detection Systems." Specifications are on file and available from the Bismarck Public Works Department at 601 South 26th Street, Bismarck, North Dakota or by contacting Kim Bohrer at kbohrer@bismarcknd.gov or 701.355.1739. Bids shall be made on the basis of cash payment for the equipment provided, delivered to the City of Bismarck Public Works Department. All Video Detection Systems shall be delivered to the City of Bismarck a maximum of 8 weeks after bid award. There shall be deducted from any money due the supplier the sum of Fifty Dollars ($50.00) for each calendar day that the delivery is delayed. Such deducted amounts shall be charged as liquidated damages and not as a penalty. In accordance with North Dakota state law, a separate envelope containing a bid bond or certified check in the amount of five (5) percent of the total amount bid must be attached to the outside of the proposal/bid envelope and labeled "Bid Bond." Bonds or checks of the unsuccessful bidders will be returned to them after making the award. The Board of City Commissioners reserves the right to hold all bids for a period of thirty (30) days after the date fixed for the opening thereof and reject any or all bids and to waive irregularities whenever it is for the best interest of the City of Bismarck. CITY OF BISMARCK Keith J. Hunke City Administrator 1/18 & 25 - 40910 The camera system shall be able to utilize the existing 18-3 field wiring back to the cabinet for communications, power and video. 2. The camera shall have color HD imaging resolution of at least 720p (1280x720 pixels). 3. The camera shall have direct, real-time iris and shutter speed control by the integrated processor. 4. The processor shall support H.264 video compression for streaming output. 5. The faceplate shall have a thermostatically-controlled indium tin oxide (ITO) heater or approved equivalent applied directly on the interior surface to keep the faceplate clear of condensation, snow, ice and frost. 6. An adjustable aluminum visor shall shield the faceplate from the sun and extraneous light sources. 7. The video detection system shall include an interface panel in the traffic cabinet that manages communications between the video sensors, the traffic management center, a maintenance technician, and the traffic cabinet controller. 8. An Ethernet port shall be provided to connect to a remote Traffic Management Center (TMC). 9. All communications to the video detection system through the TMC connection shall be to a single IP address. 10. An 802.11g Wi-Fi access point shall allow wireless connection to the video detection system at the cabinet for setup and maintenance purposes. All communications to the video detection system through the Wi-Fi access point shall be to a single IP Address. 11. The Wi-Fi access point shall turn itself off automatically after a period of inactivity from connected devices. 12. The video detection system shall include management software for configuration, monitoring and data collection purposes. 13. Management Software shall be a Windows-based application. The software shall be compatible with Windows 10 operating systems. 14. The software shall communicate with the video detection system via Ethernet. 15. The management software shall automatically determine all video sensors and communications interface panels available on the local network and populate a list of all devices. 16. The management software shall provide the user a means to name individual video sensors and communications interface panels. 17. The video detection system shall detect the presence of vehicles in defined zones and turn on the assigned output when the vehicle is present in the zone. Stop Line Detection For detection zones placed at the stop line, the probability of not detecting the presence of a vehicle shall be 1% or less under all operating conditions when the video sensor is installed and configured properly. 18. For detection zones placed at the stop line, the probability of falsely detecting a vehicle that is not present shall be 3% or less under all operating conditions when the video sensor is installed and configured properly. 19. Advance Detection-It shall be possible to place advance detector zones such that the farthest point of the zone is up to 600 feet from the video sensor. Advance detector zone placement shall include 2-3 car lengths of field-of-view beyond the farthest point of the zone. 20. The video detection system shall automatically collect and store traffic flow data in non-volatile memory for later retrieval and analysis. No additional hardware or software shall be necessary. The data shall include: Vehicle counts & Vehicle average speeds 21. In addition to the ability to view video streams in the management software, it shall be possible to view video from individual sensors or to view the quad-view from the communications interface panel using a third-party video player application on a tablet, smartphone or laptop computer. 22. It shall be possible to mount the video sensor on an intersection pole, mast arm, or luminaire arm. 23. No special tools or extra equipment, other than a laptop for configuration, will be required. 24. The manufacturer will maintain a program for technical support and software updates following expiration of the warranty period.

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Roads / Highways


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Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.

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February 9, 2022

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Multiple Locations, Bismarck, ND

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