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Published February 16, 2022 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a civil project in Ankeny, Iowa. Completed plans call for site work for a bridge / tunnel; for paving for a bridge / tunnel; road / highway; road / highway; and water / sewer project.

The NW 36th Street and NW Weigel Drive Water Main project includes construction of water main along NW Weigel, from NW 18th Street to NW 36th Street, and along NW 36th Street, from NW Weigel Drive to NW Irvinedale Drive. The project also consists of earthwork, culvert and driveway replacements, and other associated work. The improvements include construction of approximately 8,900 LF of trenched 16-inch water main, 60 LF of trenched 12-inch water main, 120 LF of trenched 16-inch restrained joint water main, 110 LF of trenchless 16-inch water main with casing pipe, water services, fire hydrants, a hydrant relocation, tracer wire access pedestals, water main fittings of various sizes, culvert removal and replacement, granular surfacing, driveway removal, traffic control, erosion control, and miscellaneous associated work necessary to complete the project. The Contractor shall fully complete the overall project within one hundred ten (110) working days. Full completion for the overall project shall be defined as all water main construction completed and tested, with the streets and driveways fully open, all surface restoration complete, and all improvements ready for final acceptance. Should the Contractor fail to fully complete the work within this timeframe, liquidated damages of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) per calendar day will be assessed for work not fully completed within the designated Contract term(s). Work on the improvement shall be commenced any time after a written Notice to Proceed is issued, no earlier than March 14, 2022 and no later than April 4, 2022, and shall be completed as stated below. The Notice to Proceed will be issued after the preconstruction conference, which is expected to occur in March 2022. Each Bidder shall fully comply with the requirements, terms and conditions, to make good faith efforts to ensure that certified Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBEs) have the opportunity to compete for procurements funded by EPA financial assistance funds (including SRF loans). DBEs must be certified through the Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT) The Contractor shall conform to all requirements of the Federal Labor Standards Provisions (including Davis-Bacon prevailing wage rates) and Wage Decision No. IA 20210081 dated December 17, 2021, attached to the Supplementary Conditions in the Specifications. Any bidder or equipment supplier whose firm or affiliate is listed on the U.S. General Services Administration Excluded Parties List System web site at http://www.sam.gov/ will be prohibited from the bidding process. Anyone submitting a bid who is listed on this web site will be determined to be a non-responsive bidder in accordance with 2 CFR Part 180. A Contractor's Debarment and Suspension/Certification is contained in the Specifications; however, this Certification should not preclude any interested party from ascertaining whether the certifying person is actually on the U.S. General Services Administration Excluded Parties List System.

Bid Results

Water / Sewer


Public - City

Paving, Site Work





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February 15, 2022

March 14, 2022


NW 36th St & NW Weigel Dr, Ankeny, IA

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