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Published May 4, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a municipal facility in Sault Sainte Marie, Michigan. Completed plans call for the renovation of a municipal facility.

**As of May 4, 2022, project was awarded to RCL Construction, but awarded amount is not yet determined.** 1. The project located is a vacant parcel of approximately sixteen (16) acres in size located at 3057 and 3185 S. Mackinac Trail in Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan for their new facility. The new Transportation Facility will provide administrative and operations offices, vehicle maintenance, and storage areas to accommodate EUPTA's current and future needs. This facility will be energy efficient, sustainable, integrated into the surrounding community aesthetics, and will provide barrier free accessibility. 2. The proposed Transportation Facility will be located on the Southwest portion of the site, currently occupied by a vacant building. The vacant building will be demolished and removed, the site prepared for development, and the new facility constructed in the same general location. The site consists of approximately 12 acres of wetland area, leaving about 4 acres of area suitable for development. During the feasibility study it was determined that a minimal amount (less than 1/3 ac.) of the wetlands will likely need to be filled for construction of the new facility. 3. The facility will house the Administrative and operations offices, which will consist of approximately 5,800 square feet. This area will house 18 staff, including four administrative staff, two mechanics and twelve bus drivers. The maintenance, vehicle and storage areas will consist of approximately 22,500 square feet. The vehicle storage will house ten buses and six administration vehicles, with future capacity to house twelve buses. Additionally, a 20-foot lowboy trailer, forklift and medium sized backhoe will be stored within this space. The maintenance area will be for vehicle repair, a ferry machine shop, and bus washing. 4. The property is in Soo Township, and has no municipal water supply or sanitary sewer. There are offsite improvements which we are connecting to the Sault Ste. Marie municipal sanitary sewer. A new well will be utilized for domestic water supply. 5. Employee and visitor parking will be incorporated into the site design along with circulation patterns and drives for the buses and other vehicles entering this new facility. Circulation will be key in addressing the traffic flow through the site with the interaction between the buses and service vehicles along with snow removal and customer and employee parking areas. The goal will be to maximize the parking areas for employee and customers but maintain the efficiency of traffic flow through the site and to the building locations.




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March 8, 2022

May 9, 2022


3185 S Mackinac Trail, Sault Sainte Marie, MI

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