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Site work and paving for a mixed-use development in Omaha, Nebraska. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; for paving for a road / highway; sidewalk / parking lot; sidewalk / parking lot; and water / sewer project.

Proposals for the furnishing of all labor, materials, use of Contractor's equipment, plant and all else necessary to construct properly all of the improvements within the improvement generally designated Paving, Section I (Iron Bluff), Sanitary and Improvement District No. 613 of Douglas County, Nebraska the Extent of the Work Consists of the Construction or Other Effectuate of the Items Listed Below and Other Related Preparatory and Subsidiary Work From Issuance of the Notice to Proceed: Item No. Bid Item Description Approximate Quantities Paving 1 General Clearing and Grubbing 1 Ls 2 Saw Cut - Full Depth 510 Lf 3 Remove Pavement 115 Sy 4 9 Concrete Pavement - Type L65 26,860 Sy 5 7 Concrete Pavement - Type L65 13,955 Sy 6 6 Pcc Driveway 275 Sy 7 Common Earth Excavation 13,697 Cy 8 Construct Curb Inlet 52 Ea 9 Adjust Manhole to Grade (45 San, 3 Stm) 48 Ea 10 Construct Thickened Edge 400 Lf 11 Construct External Frame Seal (45 San, 3 Stm) 48 Ea 12 Install Permanent Pavement Marking - 10 White Dash 126 Lf 13 Install Preformed Permanent Pavement Marking - 5 White 1,000 Lf 14 Install Preformed Pavement Marking Tape Marking Symbol - White Directional Arrow 5 Ea 15 Construct Detectable Warning Panel 140 Sf 16 Install Traffic Posts and Signs 1 Ls 17 Construct End of Street Barricade 1 Ea 18 Construct Temporary Turnaround 65 Sy 19 Construct Median Nose 22 Ea 20 Construct Median Surfacing 6,620 Sf 21 Construct 9 Imprinted Pcc Surface 6,510 Sf 22 Furnish and Install Topsoil for Island 300 Cy 23 Jet Existing Sanitary Sewer 13,905 Lf 24 Construct Silt Fence 2,000 Lf 25 Clean out Silt Fence 2,000 Lf 26 Remove Silt Fence 2,000 Lf 27 Clean out Silt Basin 14,000 Cy 28 Temporary Seeding 8 Ac 29 Hay or Straw Mulch 8 Ac 30 Construct Rock Access Road 100 Tn 31 Remove Temporary Turnaround 64 Sy 32 Remove End of Street Barricades 2 Ea 33 Remove Gabion Basket 2 Ea Approximate Quantities Paving 1 General Clearing and Grubbing 1 Ls 2 Saw Cut - Full Depth 510 Lf 3 Remove Pavement 115 Sy 4 9" Concrete Pavement - Type L65 26,860 Sy 5 7" Concrete Pavement - Type L65 13,955 Sy 6 6" Pcc Driveway 275 Sy 7 Common Earth Excavation 13,697 Cy 8 Construct Curb Inlet 52 Ea 9 Adjust Manhole to Grade (45 San, 3 Stm) 48 Ea 10 Construct Thickened Edge 400 Lf 11 Construct External Frame Seal (45 San, 3 Stm) 48 Ea 12 Install Permanent Pavement Marking - 10" White Dash 126 Lf 13 Install Preformed Permanent Pavement Marking -5" White 1,000 Lf 14 Install Preformed Pavement Marking Tape Marking Symbol - White Directional Arrow 5 Ea 15 Construct Detectable Warning Panel 140 Sf 16 Install Traffic Posts and Signs 1 Ls 17 Construct End of Street Barricade 1 Ea 18 Construct Temporary Turnaround 65 Sy 19 Construct Median Nose 22 Ea 20 Construct Median Surfacing 6,620 Sf 21 Construct 9" Imprinted Pcc Surface 6,510 Sf 22 Furnish and Install Topsoil for Island 300 Cy 23 Jet Existing Sanitary Sewer 13,905 Lf 24 Construct Silt Fence 2,000 Lf 25 Clean out Silt Fence 2,000 Lf 26 Remove Silt Fence 2,000 Lf 27 Clean out Silt Basin 14,000 Cy 28 Temporary Seeding 8 Ac 29 Hay or Straw Mulch 8 Ac 30 Construct Rock Access Road 100 Tn 31 Remove Temporary Turnaround 64 Sy 32 Remove End of Street Barricades 2 Ea 33 Remove Gabion Basket 2 Ea Paving Major 1 General Clearing and Grubbing 1 Ls 2 Remove Pavement 505 Sy 3 Remove Sign 1 Ea 4 Pavement Marking Removal 575 Lf 5 Sawing Pavement 575 Lf 6 Excavation 4,800 Cy 7 24 Culvert Pipe, Type 2 137 Lf 8 Rock Riprap, Type a 12 Tn 9 24 Concrete Flared End Section 2 Ea 10 10 Doweled Concrete Pavement, Class 47b-3500 1,390 Sy 11 6 Concrete, Class 47b-3500 Median Surfacing 31 Sy 12 Subgrade Preparation 1,351 Sy 13 4 Foundation Course 1,351 Sy 14 Granular Subdrain 5 Ea 15 5 White Wet Reflective Preformed Pavement Marking, Type 4 Grooved 700 Lf 16 Arrow, Permanent Pavement Marking 4 Ea 17 Only, Permanent Pavement Marking 1 Ea 18 Install Traffic Sign and Post 2 Ea 19 Erosion Control, Class 1d 5,095 Sy 20 Silt Check, Type 2-high 240 Lf 21 Temporary Traffic Control 1 Ls Each bid must be accompanied in a separate sealed envelope by a certified check drawn on a bank whose deposits are insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation in the amount of $179,044.00, payable without condition to the Treasurer, Sanitary and Improvement District No. 613 of Douglas County, Nebraska, or a bid bond for a like amount as evidence of good faith of the bidder and as agreed upon liquidated damages to the District in the event the bidder whose proposal is accepted by the Board of Trustees of the District fails to enter into contract within ten (10) days after Notice of Award and furnish acceptable bond to complete the work and pay for all labor done and materials used, such bond to be in the amount of 100% of the total bid price No bidder may withdraw his proposal for a period of thirty (30) days after the date set for the opening of bids. Sanitary and Improvement District No. 613 of Douglas County, Nebraska, reserves the right to waive informalities and to reject all or any bids

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Roads / Highways


Public - County

Paving, Site Work

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