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Site work for a road / highway in Crystal Lake, Illinois. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway.

The work to be performed under this contract shall include, but not be limited to, the removal and replacement of existing pavement and pavement surfaces, the required necessary base prep work to achieve the City standard cross slopes, structure adjustments, hot-mix asphalt placement, pavement markings and all incidental and collateral work necessary to complete the project as shown on the plans at various locations throughout the City and as described herein. Rem & Disp Uns Matl 1,716 Cy; Geotech Fab F/gr Stab 5,150 Sy; Agg Subgrade Improve 1,715 Cy; Preparation of Bse Sp 51,472 Sy; Bit Matl Tack Ct 2,660 Gal; Agg Base Repair Spl 1,544 Ton; Lev Bind Mm N50 1,150 Ton; Hma Bc Il-19.0 N50 7,422 Ton; Hma Sc "D" N50 5,830 Ton; Hma Sc "D" N70 930 Ton; Hma Surf Rem 2 26,660 Sy; Hma Surf Rem Var Dp 51,475 Sy; Curb Rem & Replacemt 100 Lf; Cl D Patch T1 6 200 Sy; Cl D Patch T4 6 200 Sy; Fr & Lids Adjust Spl 74 Ea Drain Util Str Recon 3 Ea; Traf Cont & Prot 701501 1 Ls; Traf Cont & Prot 701502 1 Ls; Traf Cont & Prot 701602 1 Ls; Traf Cont & Prot 701701 1 Ls; Rr Prot Liability Ins 1 Ls; Railroad Flagger 1 Ls; Temp Pvt Mk Line 4 14,000 Lf;thpl Pvt Mk Ltr & Sym 586 Sf; Thpl Pvt Mk Line 4 25,550 Lf; Thpl Pvt Mk Line 6 1,176 Lf; Thpl Pvt Mk Line 12 2,545 Lf; Thpl Pvt Mk Line 24 431 Lf Project Location: Various Proposals requiring prequalification of bidders will be issued only to those contractors who are qualified with the Department of Transportation. Prequalification forms may be secured from the Engineer of Construction, Administration Building, 2300 South Dirksen Parkway, Springfield, IL 62764. ILDOT - Removal and Replacement of Existing Pavement and Pavement Surfaces - 23-00000-00-GM

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Roads / Highways


Public - City

Site Work

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Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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Multiple Locations, Crystal Lake, IL

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