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Published March 22, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a transportation facility in Greenfield, Indiana. Completed plans call for site work for a transportation facility.

Goals for minority participation for each trade: 12.5% Goals for female participation in each trade: 6.9% he MBE/WBE/VBE participation goals for this project are 15% MBE, 10% WBE and 03% VBE. Certified MBE/WBE/VBE firms that also qualify, as certified DBE, shall also count toward meeting the DBE goal. The successful bidder will be required to pay laborers, workmen, mechanics, and other employees on the work under this contract not less than the prevailing wage for each craft, trade, or occupation as established under the Davis-Bacon Act. All provisions of Buy American Preference 49 USC 50101; Foreign Trade Restriction 49 USC 50104, 49 CFR part 30; Davis Bacon 2 CFR 200 Appendix II(D), 29 CFR part 5; Affirmative Action 41 CFR part 60-4 , Executive Order 11246; Government-wide Debarment and Suspension 2 CFR part 180 (Subpart C), 2 CFR part 1200, DOT Order 4200.5 DOT Suspension & Debarment Procedures & Ineligibility; Lobbying and Influencing Federal Employees 31 USC 1352, 2 CFR part 200 Appendix II(J), 49 CFR part 20 Appendix A; Procurement of Recovered Materials 2 CFR 299.322, 40 CFR part 247 and Government-wide Requirements for Drug-free Workplace 13 CFR part 147 are herewith incorporated by reference, the same as if all of the provisions were completely set out herein. The Owner's award of this contract is conditioned upon Bidder or Offeror satisfying the good faith effort requirements of 49 CFR 26.53. As a condition of bid responsiveness, the Bidder or Offeror must submit the following information with their proposal on the forms provided herein: (1) The names and addresses of Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) firms that will participate in the contract; (2) A description of the work that each DBE firm will perform; (3) The dollar amount of the participation of each DBE firm listed under (1) (4) Written statement from Bidder or Offeror that attests their commitment to use the DBE firm(s) listed under (1) to meet the Owner's project goal; (5) If Bidder or Offeror cannot meet the advertised project DBE goal; evidence of good faith efforts undertaken by the Bidder or Offeror as described in appendix A to 49 CFR Part 26. The successful Bidder or Offeror must provide written confirmation of participation from each of the DBE firms the Bidder or Offeror lists in their commitment. This Bidder or Offeror must submit the DBE's written confirmation of participation within 5 days of receiving the Owners notice of award. For general information or questions, please contact Katie Adkins directly at 317.487.8578 After opening bids, no bid shall be withdrawn for a period of sixty (60) calendar days without written consent of the Owner. All bids shall be accompanied by a scanned copy of the bid bond in an amount of not less than 5% of the contract amount. Original copy of the bid bond will be requested from the successful bidder immediately following the bid opening. Contractors awarded a contract will be required to furnish acceptable surety bonds in the amount of 100% of the contract price. Said performance, material and payment bond shall remain in effect for twelve (12) months after the date of the Owner's final acceptance of Contractor's work. Should a successful bidder withdraw their bid or fail to execute a satisfactory contract within seven (7) days the Indianapolis Airport Authority may declare the bid deposit forfeited. The Indianapolis Airport Authority reserves the right to reject any and all bids.

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Transportation Terminals


Public - City

Site Work

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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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3867 N Aviation Way, Greenfield, IN

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