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Site work for a bridge / tunnel in Cassopolis, Michigan. Working plans call for site work for a bridge / tunnel.

No bids received as of 03/28/2022. Furnishing of the above materials, services, equipment, work and/or supplies in accordance with the terms, conditions and specifications as stated herein and hereto attached. The Cass County Road Commission reserves the right to accept any and all alternate proposals, bids or quotes and to award the contract to other than the lowest Vendor, waive any irregularities or informalities or both, to reject any and all bids, quotes and proposals, and in general to make the award of the contract in any manner deemed by the Board, at their sole discretion, to be in the Road Commission's best interest. The Cass County Road Commission reserves the right to terminate the contract without penalty upon thirty (30) days written notice, due to poor performance or for reasons deemed to be in its best interest. The Cass County Road Commission reserves the right to re-award the contract to the second most qualified vendor, re-propose, re-quote or re- bid the contract or do whatever is deemed to be in its best interest. Culvert Replacement work shall be assigned by September 1 and completed prior to September 30, 2022, unless otherwise approved by the engineer. The Road Commission Board may award bids in whole or parts thereof, reserves the right to reject any and all bids, waive irregularities in any bid and award the bid in any manner which best fits our needs and appears to be in the best interest of the Road Commission; the right to waive irregularities in any bid, and the right to reject bids at the time the bids are evaluated. The Work shall consist of furnishing and installing culverts, as specified herein, and in accordance with the most current version of the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) specifications. Bid work will not be done in or near waters of the state and therefore not require an EGLE permit as determined by the Engineer.

Final Planning

Bridges / Tunnels


Public - County

Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.

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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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February 16, 2022

October 5, 2022


To Be Determined, Cassopolis, MI

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