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Site work, paving and outdoor lighting for a transportation facility in Fort McCoy, Wisconsin. Working plans call for site work for a transportation facility; for paving for a transportation facility; and for outdoor lighting for a transportation facility.

As of 07/25/2022 This requirement has been cancelled. Update: The estimated Magnitude of Construction in the pre-solicitation notice is changed from $1-$5M to $5M-$10M. The full UPDATED pre-solicitation notice with this change is provided below Pre-Solicitation Notice Solicitation Number: W9128F22R0033 Title: Repair Airport Taxiway A&C at Fort McCoy, Wisconsin Solicitation Issue Date: On or about 22 February 2022 Estimated Magnitude of Construction: $5 Million - $10 Million NAICS Code: 237310 Unrestricted Competition (Open to both Large and Small Businesses) Primary Contracting POC: Nancy Garside ( Note: This is a synopsis/pre-solicitation notice of a proposed contract action only. This is NOT an official solicitation or Request for Proposals (RFP). This notice will be posted for a minimum of 15 days prior to posting the official solicitation. On or about 22 February 2022 , the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Omaha District, intends to solicit proposals for the project entitled, "Repair Airport Taxiway A&C at Fort McCoy, Wisconsin." This synopsis is only a notification that a solicitation is anticipated and forthcoming. All questions regarding this synopsis should be submitted via email to Contract Specialist, Nancy Garside, at Construction Project Description: The proposed project will involve the reconstruction of Taxiway Alpha, Taxiway Charlie and the Refueling Apron at Fort McCoy, Wisconsin. The project is fully designed and includes pavement removal, excavation, aggregate base, hot mix asphalt pavement, concrete pavement, airfield electrical, pavement markings, turf establishment and incidental related work, with more specific requirements as follows: Repair and re-align Taxiway Alpha capable of supporting a C-17 aircraft where it intersects Runway 01/19 from the Sparta side. Demolish the remaining adjacent sections of Taxiway Alpha, and Delta 1, install taxiway lighting, and signage to join up to Charlie taxiway. Taxiway widths shall be 50 feet wide with 25-foot-wide shoulders. The re-aligned Taxiway Alpha will be constructed in the same alignment of existing Taxiway Delta 1. Repair and relocate Taxiway Charlie capable of supporting C-17 aircraft. Widen, realign, and reconstruct taxiway Charlie to 50' wide with 25-foot shoulders, install taxiway lighting, and signage. Repair refueling apron capable of supporting C-130 aircraft. Construct three taxiways between the new Taxiway Alpha and the three refuel areas. Construction effort includes fueling systems for the refueling lanes, pad and dispensers. Under this project, the awarded Contractor will be required to commence work within 10 days after Notice to Proceed (NTP) and complete the work in the proposed number of calendar days (Not to Exceed 180 days) after receipt of NTP. Provisions will be included for Liquidated Damages in case of failure to complete the work in the time allowed. Performance and Payment Bonds will be required. The magnitude of construction for this anticipated Contract requirement is estimated to be between $1 million - $5 million. Please note that the above project description is for information purposes only. Project scope of work is subject to change with issuance of the official solicitation. Solicitation Information: The solicitation for this requirement will be issued as a Request for Proposals (RFP) and offers received in response to the RFP will be evaluated using the tradeoff source selection process as outlined in Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) Part 15. FAR Clause 52.215-1, Instruction to Offerors - Competitive Acquisition, will also be incorporated into the solicitation. Offerors participating in the solicitation will submit technical and price proposals and submissions will be evaluated based on a best value tradeoff approach, considering both technical factors and price. An adjectival method of evaluation will be used to evaluate all technical factors. Price will be evaluated separately for fair and reasonableness and realism. A best value selection will be conducted following evaluation of each offeror's technical proposals and price, and a firm-fixed price Contract will be awarded to the best value offeror received in response to the RFP. The solicitation will be issued as Unrestricted, open to both large and small business concerns. All contractors must be registered and have an active and verified account in the System for Award Management (SAM) in order to receive a contract award from any DoD activity. FAR Clause 52.204-7, System for Award Management, will be incorporated into the solicitation. Contractors may access the SAM website at: to register and/or obtain information about the SAM program. The primary North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Code for this anticipated procurement is 237310, which should be included in each offeror's profile prior to submission of an offer in response to the RFP. Interested offerors are also advised of online registration requirements in the SAM database,, and directed solicitation provisions concerning representations and certifications. Representations and certifications are required to be updated annually, as a minimum, to keep information current, accurate and complete. The electronic annual representations and certifications are effective for one year from date of submission or update to SAM. Solicitation Documents: The Government will issue the solicitation documents for this requirement in electronic format only, which will only be available online via the System for Award Management (SAM) website, at, under the solicitation number. No CDs or hard copies will be made available. The Government will not honor telephonic or email requests for the solicitation. Offerors are responsible for checking for any update(s) to the solicitation. The Government is not responsible for any offeror's loss of internet connectivity or for an offeror's inability to access the document(s) posted at the referenced website. Interested offerors should note that the official proposal due date/time will be contained in the forthcoming solicitation and any solicitation amendments that may be issued. To find solicitation announcement in SAM at 1. Click on "Search Contract Opportunities" under the Contract Opportunities tittle. 2. Use the "Keywords" search function to locate the project (by entering the solicitation number) or use the advanced search features offered in the "Federal Organizations" (towards the middle of the page) or use the "Federal Organizations" search feature followed by the "Advanced Search" feature. 3. By using the "Sign In" feature, it allows additional search features and allows you to keep your searches. Sign In might be required on some solicitations that are considered restricted. 4. Once you have located your project, click on hyperlinked title of the solicitation to view the project. Files may be downloaded from the "Attachments/Links" section of the solicitation. 5. If you want other vendors, subcontractors or contractors to contact you, click on the "Interested Vendors" tab and then "Add me to Interested Vendors" link at the bottom of the page. Please note that a bidder inquiry key will be included in the official solicitation that is forthcoming. Questions regarding the solicitation will be required to be submitted via Bidder Inquiry in ProjNet at The method of contractor selection has not been determined at this time. *The value for this project is based on a financial range. The value is listed as the highest possible cost from the range provided by a stakeholder or official project document.

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6058 Hangar Way, Fort McCoy, WI

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