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Published February 17, 2022 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Meath Park, Saskatchewan. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The Rural Municipality of Garden River #490 is accepting sealed tender for gravel including supplying, hauling and placement on the RM roads for 10,000 yards of gravel. ScheduleThe RM requires the work the work to commence June 15, 2022 and be completed in a manner acceptable to the RM by July 30th, 2022. A penalty of up to $500.00 per day will be levied for late completion. Failure to commence or complete the work within the time stated may result in cancellation of the contract and completion of the work by others. Tenders Must Include Each tender must include the following information: A breakdown of all costs associated with the total price and a list of taxes that must be added or are included in the total price; Gravel must be to the RM's specifications of Type 106 - 7/8" rock; A list of all equipment/machinery that will be used and insurance coverage for the equipment/machinery; All equipment must have a current safety; A copy of letter of good standing with the Saskatchewan Worker's Compensation Board (WCB); Compensation Board is to be included with the proposal submission. Payment of Saskatchewan WCB premium is the responsibility of the contractor: References for the past two (2) years; The price in the tender shall include the supply of all supervision, labour, materials, equipment, tools and all other things necessary for the complete supply of work. Contractors Responsibility The successful bidder shall supply all supervision, labour, materials, equipment, tools and all other things necessary for the complete supply of the work as indicated or intended by the specifications which form part of this document. The Contractor must apply and pay for all permits required by the authorities having jurisdiction to carry out the work. The RM does not accept facsimile, electronic mail or other unsealed bids. All tenders received in this manor will be disqualified. Acceptance of Tenders Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. The RM of Garden River #490 reserves the right to refuse or reject any or all tenders and will not be responsible for any costs incurred by any provider in preparing its tender. Late Tenders Tenders received after the date and time specified above will not be considered. For more information, please contact the RM office by phone at 306-929-2020 or by email a

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Roads / Highways

Public - City

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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Multiple Locations, Meath Park, SK

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