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Published March 24, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Demolition and site work for a residential development in Rocky Mount, North Carolina. Completed plans call for the demolition of a residential development; and for site work for a residential development.

Properties to Be Demolished 1. 2000 Vernon Road, Rocky Mount, NC 27801 PIN: 376969750700 Demolition of single-family dwelling. 2-story, wood frame; wood siding exterior; asphalt shingle roof, approximately 1820 sf Corner lot, no garage Remove chain link fence extending from right side of house Remove chain link fence approximately 35' along driveway Remove chain link fence approximately 20' extending from rear of house Concrete drive on Courtland side to remain No asbestos containing material present 2. 1012 Niblick Drive, Rocky Mount, NC 27804 PIN: 385106380812 Demolition of single-family dwelling. 1-story, wood frame; vinyl siding exterior; asphalt shingle roof, approximately 1980 sf Remove approximate 16' x 16' storage building in rear yard Remove wood fence surrounding driveway in rear Remove short section of wood fence on right side of house No asbestos containing material present 3. 320 Olive Street, Rocky Mount, NC 27801 PIN: 386000280100 Demolition of single-family dwelling 1-story, wood frame; wood siding exterior, asphalt shingle roof, approximately 1340 sf No garage Remove approximate 4' x 8' shed in rear yard No asbestos containing material present No site visit The Contract shall have an initial term of one (1) year, beginning on the date of contract award (the "Effective Date") Submit Written Questions/Question Deadline Vendors 01/28/2022 by 4:00 p.m. Written questions shall be emailed to Jalisa.Staton@rockymountnc.gov by the date and time specified Direct all inquiries concerning this RFQ to: Jalisa Staton Purchasing Clerk Email: Jalisa.Staton@rockymountnc.gov Phone: 252-972-1229 a) As time is of the essence, the Contractor awarded this bid shall be prepared to start demolition on these structures within thirty (30) calendar days of the issuance of the Purchase Order. It is further required as part of the condition of the contract, that demolition of each structure should be completed and that the site be cleaned up and stabilized within five (5) calendar days of initiating demolition. Overall, the Contractor shall complete the work within a total of forty-five (45) calendar days from issuance of the Purchase Order. The contractor will be required to install and maintain temporary sedimentation and erosion control measures to prevent sediment from leaving the site and entering the storm drainage system. This would primarily consist of block and gravel curb inlet protection. Bad weather days will be considered. b) The demolition process will include the removal of ALL debris from the demolition area, i.e., all rocks, masonry, and wood/metal scraps. The demolition area will be raked clear/smooth of ALL debris before seeding. The Contractor shall backfill and compact all excavated areas with sand-clay and dress off and fill in all low spots with topsoil in order to provide positive drainage within the limits of the work area and shall grade, reseed, and straw the demolition area and any other areas disturbed during completion of the work. Reseeding is to be done with Kentucky Fescue grass seed. (The result of this effort will create an area that can easily be maintained with standard residential yard maintenance equipment.) The demolition process must include dust control. This process must be accomplished with the use of at least a 1 hose with a nozzle producing a fog spray pattern sufficient to maintain adequate dust control to the satisfaction of Alan Pridgen, Senior Community Code Inspector or Charlina Chavis, Senior Community Code Inspector.

Bid Results

Residential Subdivision


Public - City

Demolition, Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.

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Multiple Locations, Rocky Mount, NC

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