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This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Gulfport, Mississippi. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Harrison County Development Commission (HCDC) will accept sealed bids for the following: Land Clearing and Grubbing of Parcels - Annual Land Clearing and Grubbing Agreement SCOPE: 1. Thisprojectinvolvesfullclearingandgrubbingofvariousparcelsoflandwithin Harrison Counties three (3) Industrial Parks. a. Itshould benoted,theparcels contemplated havebeenmulched intherecentpast. 2. Clearing shall include all trees and brush not slated to remain. a. All excess vegetative material shall be disposed of "off-site" or burn on site if approved. b. Stumpswillbe removedfromtheimmediatesite;afterthestumpsarefullyremoved, holes shall be filled with sandy, on-site material. 3. Site shall be left in a drained condition and meet MDEQ requirements. 4. For the purpose of this bid, site sizes shall vary in acreage. 5. Payment shallbeonaperacrebasisinaccordance withthecommissions standard policies. 6. Certificateof Liability,Workers'Comp,andMotorVehicleInsurancemustbeincluded with each submitted bid. a. ThecertificatesmustbepresentedtoHCDCeachcontractualyear,priorto expiration. 7. If low bidder cannot begin the work within 14 calendar days or as scheduled by the Harrison County Development Commission unless otherwise coordinated with the HCDC from the receipt of the purchase order, Harrison County Development Commission reserves the right to request services from the next lowest bidder. 8. Contract is for 1 year starting February, 2022 thru February, 2023 with option to renew for 1 year. For bids exceeding $50,000 Bidder must indicate his Certificate of Responsibility Number on outside of sealed proposal as required by Mississippi Law. For bids not exceeding $50,000, Bidder must either indicate his Certificate Number, or else write clearly "Bid does not exceed $50,000." HCDC reserves the right to consider the following relevant factors in addition to the contract price in determining the lowest and best bid: bidder's skill and business judgment, his experience and his facilities for carrying out the contract, his previous conduct under other contracts and the quality of previous work, as well as his pecuniary ability, honesty, and integrity. Harrison County Development Commission also reserves the right to reject any or all bids or to waive any informality in the bidding. All interested Bidders should contact Jason Gibson (Director of Engineering) or Zachary Grady (Utilities Specialist), at 228-896-5020 to register to receive any, if necessary, unforeseen amendments to this Invitation to Bid during the bidding process.



Public - County

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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February 3, 2022

February 14, 2022


Multiple Locations, Gulfport, MS

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