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Published January 31, 2022 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Remodeling of a residential development in Sandstone, Minnesota. Completed plans call for the remodel of a residential development.

1. It is the contractors responsibility to identify any and all discrepancies in the scope of Work, not meeting industry standards or that which is inconsistent with the international Residential code (irc), and mille lacs band of ojibwe 2016 mlb project specification Book that supersedes previous additions. 2. All electrical wiring, apparatus and equipment for electric light, heat and power, technology Circuits or systems shall comply with the rules of the department of commerce or the Department of labor and industry, as applicable, and be installed in conformity with Accepted standards of construction for safety to life and property. 3. Contractor must reconnect all utilities, service panel or service feed. Also includes gas, Propane. Include such equipment or materials identified in the pre-bid conference. 4. Contractor will secure all permits and fees. 5. Contractor is responsible for a thorough investigation of the scope of work. 6. Contractor will repair any damage to the property or structure created by the scope of Work. 7. Contractor shall be responsible for all debris removal related to all work performed under This work scope. 8. No work shall be performed until all required permits have been Issued and copies in the possession of the project coordinator and /or mille lacs band building official. 1. Remove all kitchen cabinets and countertops. Dispose of properly. 2. Remove the dishwasher and cap all water / drain lines, etc... Do not include a replacement dishwasher. 3. Remove the kitchen flooring and replace all kitchen flooring and dining room flooring with vinyl plank. Include substrate repairs under removed cabinet footprint at new floor. All new base in white. 4. Provide and install new custom grade cabinets and countertops complete with hardware. Include site visit and meeting with Cabinet Manufacturer (millwork provider). 5. Provide and install new kitchen sink with new faucets and drain lines. 6. Remove old decorative vinyl border in kitchen and all areas of the home. Make necessary wall repairs and include new paint and all labor for walls and ceiling. Entire interior of home gets repainted. 7. Provide, replace and install the window blinds in the kitchen. 8. Provide and install new base throughout the entire kitchen and home. 9. Remove old bi-fold door hardware at pantry area. Patch and finish. 10. Provide and install (2) new kitchen lights. 11. Remove and dispose of all appliances. Fridge, range, dishwasher. Provide and install new fridge and range. No new dishwasher. These types of contracts shall demand a performance bond not less than twenty (20%) percent of the total contract price, but not to exceed $500,000.00.


Residential Subdivision


Public - Federal


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218 Old Military Road, Sandstone, MN

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