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Site work and new construction of a civil project in Taylorsville, North Carolina. Conceptual plans call for the construction of a water / sewer project; and for site work for a water / sewer project.

Questions or inquiries regarding this RFQ should be directed to: David Moose, Procurement Specialist Alexander County Administration 621 Liledoun Rd, Suite 1 Taylorsville, NC 28681 Phone: 828-352-7760 Email: Question Submission Deadline (to guarantee response prior to submission) January 31, 2022 5:00 p.m. (EST) DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Alexander County intends to construct a sewer pump station along Bowman Ct. in the Bethlehem Community of Alexander County, NC. This pump station will serve the Bowman Ct. area and will pump to an existing gravity sewer line located along Chigger Ridge Rd. This project will also include the installation of an 8" sewer force main to connect the pump station to the Chigger Ridge sewer line. This project, (hereinafter "the Project") shall consist of engineering design and construction administration services to construct the proposed Bowman Ct. pump station as well as approximately 6,500 LF of 8" sewer force main to connect to an existing gravity sewer line at the Chigger Ridge Rd / Rink Dam Rd intersection. SCOPE OF SERVICES The selected firm will work with the County's project team to provide engineering design and construction administration services for the project as indicated below. Engineering services shall include, but not be limited to, the following: Engineering Report/Environmental Information Document (as required) Design phase services Funding coordination and assistance with funding application preparation and submission Environmental Assessment/CE (as required) Surveying and site selection Easement Mapping (if required) Subsurface Utility Engineering Permitting Phase Services Bid and Award Phase Services Construction Administration Construction Observation Overall project coordination and scheduling Project cost estimation services SELECTION CRITERIA & EVALUATION Firms submitting Qualifications to perform the work will be evaluated based upon the firm's over experience with similar project, key project personnel knowledge and experience with similar projects, references, examples of previous work, accurate response to the RFQ, and other criteria. Firms must demonstrate their level of competence and qualification to complete the services noted in the scope of work. Sub-consultants to be utilized for the project must be listed in the Statement of Qualifications. Criteria that may be used to evaluate firms for selection includes the following: 1. Design experience for the construction of sewer pumping stations & force main sewer lines 2. Experience with sewer utilities and environmental permitting 3. Demonstrated accuracy on project cost estimates for prior projects of a similar nature 4. Ability to deliver projects on-time and a commitment to meet the project schedule as well as having sufficient personnel and resources available to meet the noted schedule 5. Understanding of the scope of work, along with sewer utility system project challenges 6. Experience working with State and local regulatory agencies 7. Experience with SRF funding, including funding applications, project design, and construction administration of projects with these funding sources Bids will received by Postal Service at Alexander County Administration Attn: David Moose 621 Liledoun Rd, Suite 1 Taylorsville, NC 28681 Notes: Include (1) one printed original properly bound and (1) electronic copy on USB drive Submit materials in an envelope clearly marked "Statement of Qualification - Water Tank Project" By Hand at Alexander County Administration Attn: David Moose 621 Liledoun Rd, Suite 1 Taylorsville, NC 28681 Notes Include (1) one printed original properly bound and (1) electronic copy on USB drive Submit materials in an envelope clearly marked "Statement of Qualification - Water Tank Project" Deliver to Alexander County Administration office (address noted above) upper level All Statements of Qualification bust be received by Alexander County no later than the deadline noted in Section VI above to be considered for evaluation. SOQ's received after this deadline will not be evaluated. Responses to this RFQ must be signed by an authorized agent or representative of the firm submitting the response.


Water / Sewer


Public - County

New Construction, Site Work

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February 7, 2023


Multiple Locations, Taylorsville, NC

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