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Saving Project...

Published October 2, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a road / highway in Glassport, Pennsylvania. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; and for paving for a road / highway.

The Owner reserves the right to evaluate the exceptions and objections and their right to reject the entire bid. Technical questions pertinent to the work to be performed under this Contract may be addressed to: Joe Dursa Glenn Engineering & Associates, Ltd. 14920 Route 30 North Huntingdon, PA 15642 The work under this project includes the furnishing of all labor, materials, and equipment required for the performance of all reconstruction as indicated on the Contract Documents. The work essentially includes, but is not limited to: 1. REMOVAL OF ALL EXISTING BRICK The Contractor shall submit a price to completely Excavate, Remove and haul all existing brick within the project limits to the Glass port-off-road vehicle park off of Washington Boulevard as specified and or directed by Engineer or Project Representative. 2. REMOVAL OF 9 %" SUBBASE UNDER BRICK The Contractor shall submit a price to Excavate, Remove and haul 9 of the subbase under the brick within the project limits to the Glassport-off-road vehicle park off of Washington Boulevard as specified and or directed by Engineer or Project Representative. 3. INSTALL FABRIC & 6" 2A MODIFIED COMPACTED STONE The Contractor Shall submit a price to furnish and install non-woven geotextile fabric to layer subgrade followed by a subbase composed of no-less than 6" of 2A modified compacted stone as specified and or directed by Engineer or Project Representative. 4. REMOVE & REPLACE EXISTING DAMAGED CONCRETE CURB Contractor shall submit a price to Excavate, Remove and haul away broken concrete curb material and install new concrete curbs to match existing curb as specified and or directed by Engineer or Project Representative. Contractor to dial into existing curb from one end of repair to the other end of repair with #4 bar to connect curb sides together followed by a form and pour of 4,000 psi air entrained concrete. (Excavated material must be disposed at an approved site by contractor) 5. Remove and Replace Existing ADA Accessible Ramps with addition of 2 new Ramps The Contractor shall submit a price for Excavate, Remove and haul out of existing and additional 2 new ADA curbs and installing new Penn D.O.T. Approved Concrete Handicap Curb Ramp, complete in place, including all required excavation compaction of subgrade, placement of compacted Stone Subbase Material (NO slag) and all other related appurtenances necessary to provide for a complete and fully compliant unit, including 4,000 psi Air Entrained Class AA Concrete, and finished concrete surface treatment, all as intended or reasonably implied in the Contract Documents. (Excavated material must be disposed at an approved site by contractor) 6. 25 MM BINDER COURSE Contractor shall submit a price to furnish and install 3" compacted depth of Binder Course Asphalt Mixer Design HMA Binder Mix Course, PG-64-22, 0.0 to 0.3 ESAL's including, but not limited to, all edge, surface cleaning and tack coat, complete and in place as specified and or directed by Engineer or Project Representative 7. 19 MM BINDER COURSE Contractor shall submit a price to furnish and install 2 Yz compacted depth of Binder Course Asphalt Mixer Design HMA Binder Mix Course, PG-64-22, 0.0 to 0.3 ESAL's including, but not limited to, all edge, surface cleaning and tack coat, complete and in place as specified and or directed by Engineer or Project Representative. 8. 9.5 MM WEARING COURSE Contractor shall submit a price to furnish and install 1 Yz compacted depth of Wearing Course Asphalt Mixture Design HMA Wearing Course, PG-64-22, 0.0 to 0.3 ESAL's including, but not limited to, all edge, surface cleaning, tack coat, seam sealing as directed by as specified and or directed by Engineer or Project Representative. 9. 24" PIANO KEY CROSSWALK The Contractor shall submit a price for Line Painting of Crosswalks at all proposed A.D.A. Ramps as shown on site map. Item includes 1 coat of 24" wide Thermoplastic paint to designated ADA accessible aisle complete in place, all in accordance with the requirements of the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation Form 408 Specifications, latest revision, (Color to be selected by Owner). All as intended or reasonably implied on the Contract Drawings or in the Contract Documents. All crosswalks shall meet the latest Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) Section 3B.18 Crosswalk marking standards. They shall be a minimum of eight (8) feet wide and marked with white Epoxy paint. Crosswalks should be Continental (piano key style marking). Crosswalks shall have the appropriate signage (W11-2 series from the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices. Signage shall be placed on both sides of the roadway with the left sign being a mirror image of those on the right hands side.


Roads / Highways


Public - City

Paving, Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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Delaware Ave, Glassport, PA

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