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Demolition, site work, paving and new construction of a bridge / tunnel in Fairmont, Minnesota. Completed plans call for the demolition of a bridge / tunnel; for the construction of a bridge / tunnel; for site work for a bridge / tunnel; and for paving for a bridge / tunnel.

S.A.P. 046-598-009 County Road 140 Grading and Bridge Replacement Major quantities for Bridge 46J31 are: Grubbing 2 Each Remove Barb Wire Fence 200 LF Salvage Aggregate (C.V.) (P) 170 C.Y. Common Excavation (C.V.) (P) 86 C.Y. Common Embankment (C.V.) (P) 1,008 C.Y. Channel and Pond Excavation 73 C.Y. Aggregate Surfacing, Class 5 400 Ton 10' x 9' Precast Box Culvert End Section (Type 1) 4 Each 10' x 9' Precast Concrete Box Culvert (Class 2) 124 LF Granular Backfill (C.V.) (P) 830 C.Y. Coarse Aggregate Bedding (C.V.) (P) 220 C.Y. Random Riprap Class III (Quarry Stone) 135 Ton Soil Bed Preparation 1 Acre Fertilizer, Type 1 200 Lbs. Rolled Erosion Prevention Category 25 4.950 S.Y. Seed, Mixture 25-141 100 Lbs. S.A.P. 046-598-010 County Road 106 Grading and Bridge Replacement Major quantities for Bridge 46J33 are: Salvage Aggregate (C.V.) (P) 125 C.Y. Common Excavation (C.V.) (P) 20 C.Y. Common Embankment (C.V.) (P) 613 C.Y. Aggregate Surfacing, Class 5 345 Ton 12' x 8' Precast Box Culvert End Section (Type 1) 2 Each 12' x 8' Precast Concrete Box Culvert (Class 2) 60 LF Granular Backfill (C.V.) (P) 510 C.Y. Coarse Aggregate Bedding (C.V.) (P) 135 C.Y. Random Riprap Class IV (Quarry Stone) 150 Ton Soil Bed Preparation 0.4 Acre Fertilizer, Type 1 100 Lbs. Rolled Erosion Prevention Category 25 2,200 S.Y. Seed, Mixture 25-141 50 Lbs. S.A.P. 046-599-078 Manyaska Twp. Road 225 Grading and Bridge Replacement Major quantities for Bridge 46J37 are: Common Excavation (C.V.) (P) 27 C.Y. Common Embankment (C.V.) (P) 930 C.Y. Aggregate Surfacing, Class 5 360 Ton 10' x 5' Precast Box Culvert End Section (Type 1) 2 Each 10' x 5' Precast Concrete Box Culvert (Class 2) 42 LF Granular Backfill (C.V.) (P) 230 C.Y. Coarse Aggregate Bedding (C.V.) (P) 80 C.Y. 18" CS Pipe Culvert 210 LF Random Riprap Class IV (Quarry Stone) 110 Ton Soil Bed Preparation 0.5 Acre Fertilizer, Type 1 100 Lbs. Rolled Erosion Prevention Category 25 2,500 S.Y. Seed, Mixture 25-141 50 Lbs. S.A.P. 046-599-079 Jay Twp. Road 59 Grading and Bridge Replacement Major quantities for Bridge 46J38 are: Salvage Aggregate (C.V.) (P) 82 C.Y. Common Excavation (C.V.) (P) 118 C.Y. Common Embankment (C.V.) (P) 552 C.Y. Aggregate Surfacing, Class 5 200 Ton 10' x 7' Precast Box Culvert End Section (Type III) 4 Each 10' x 7' Precast Concrete Box Culvert (Class 2) 84 LF Granular Backfill (C.V.) (P) 684 C.Y. Coarse Aggregate Bedding (C.V.) (P) 155 C.Y. Random Riprap Class IV (Quarry Stone) 160 Ton Soil Bed Preparation 0.5 Acre Fertilizer, Type 1 100 Lbs. Rolled Erosion Prevention Category 25 1,500 S.Y. Seed, Mixture 25-141 50 Lbs. Bids must be accompanied by a certified check or bid bond made payable to the Treasurer of Martin County for at least five (5) percent of the amount bid. The right is reserved to accept or reject any or all bids and to waive informalities therein.


Bridges / Tunnels


Public - County

Demolition, New Construction, Paving, Site Work

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Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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To Be Determined, Fairmont, MN

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