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Site work for a water / sewer project in Thompson, North Dakota. Completed plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

The Work is comprised of one (1) Contract with two (2) Base Bids and three (3) Bid Alternates: Contract No. 1 - Pipeline Construction. Contract No. 1 will award Base Bid No. 1 and Base Bid No. 2 with or without any combination of the alternates. Alternate No. 2 may be awarded as 'A' option, or 'B' option, or with both the 'A' and the 'B' option, Alternate No. 3 will only award the 'A' or the 'B' option if Alternate No. 3 is accepted for award. The Work is generally described as follows: Contract No. 1: Pipeline Construction: 1. Base Bid No. 1 - Service to Hatton: Construction of rural water pipelines consisting of furnishing and installing the following approximate quantities: 100 feet of 3-inch through 4-inch DR 11 IPS Poly pipeline, 100 feet of 6-inch DR 13.5 IPS Poly pipeline, 100 feet of 8-inch DR 13.5 IPS Poly pipeline, 38,500 feet of 12-inch SDR 26 IPS PVC pipeline, 100 feet of 12-inch DR 13.5 IPS Poly pipeline, 3,150 feet of 12-inch DR 13.5 Poly directional bores, 450 feet of 12-inch DR 11 IPS Poly directional bores, two (2) 12-inch poly 45-degree bends, eight (8) 12-inch poly 90-degree bends, one (1) 12-inch poly tee, one (1) 12-inch by 4-inch stainless steel saddle, three (3) tie-ins to existing system, five (5) gate valves ranging in size from 4-inch to 12-inch, one (1) air release valve (ARV) with manhole, one (1) 1-inch flush/air blow off valve, one (1) 2-inch Flush/Air Blow Off valve, and all associated fittings and appurtenances, restoration, flushing and testing, signage, seeding, and gravel. 2. Base Bid No. 2 - Service to Grandin: Construction of rural water pipelines consisting of furnishing and installing the following approximate quantities: 200 feet of 1-inch DR 7 IPS Poly through 2-inch DR 11 IPS Poly pipeline, 100 feet of 3-inch through 4-inch DR 11 IPS Poly pipeline, 100 feet of 6-inch SDR 26 IPS PVC pipeline, 400 feet of 6-inch DR 13.5 IPS Poly pipeline, 41,000 feet of 8-inch SDR 26 IPS PVC pipeline, 200 feet of 8-inch DR 13.5 IPS Poly pipeline, 29,000 feet of 12-inch SDR 26 IPS PVC pipeline, 200 feet of 12-inch DR 13.5 IPS Poly pipeline, 3,125 feet of 8-inch DR 13.5 IPS Poly directional bores, 775 feet of 12-inch DR 13.5 Poly directional bores, 225 feet of 12-inch DR 11 IPS Poly directional bores, two (2) 12-inch carrier pipe in cased bores, two (2) 6-inch poly 90-degree bends, two (2) 12-inch poly 45-degree bends, six (6) 12-inch poly 90-degree bends, one (1) 8-inch poly tee, four (4) 12-inch poly tees, eleven (11) tie-ins to existing system, sixteen (16) gate valves ranging in size from 3-inch to 12-inch, two (2) 2-inch flush/air blow off valve, and all associated fittings and appurtenances, restoration, flushing and testing, signage, seeding, and gravel. 3. Alternate No. 1 - Hatton Connection: Construction of rural water pipelines consisting of furnishing and installing the following approximate quantities: 100 feet of 1-inch DR 7 IPS Poly through 2-inch DR 11 IPS Poly pipeline, 300 feet of 8-inch DR 13.5 IPS Poly pipeline, 600 feet of 8-inch DR 13.5 IPS Poly directional bores, two (2) 8-inch poly 90-degree bends, two (2) tie-ins to existing system, three (3) 8-inch gate valves, one (1) 2-inch flush/air blow off valve, and all associated fittings and appurtenances, restoration, flushing and testing, signage, seeding, and gravel. 4. Alternate No. 2A - Incremental Cost DR 13.5 Poly to DR 17 Poly - Service to Hatton: Incremental cost difference to provide and install the following approximate quantities: 38,500 feet of 12-inch DR 17 IPS Poly pipeline in lieu of 38,500 feet of 12-inch SDR 26 IPS PVC pipeline included as Work within Base Bid No. 1 - Service to Hatton, and 1,800 feet of 12-inch DR 17 IPS Poly directional bores in lieu of 1,800 feet of 12-inch DR 13.5 IPS Poly directional bores included as Work within Base Bid No. 1 - Service to Hatton. 5. Alternate No. 2B - Incremental Cost DR 13.5 Poly to DR 17 Poly - Service to Grandin: Incremental cost difference to provide and install the following approximate quantities: 41,000 feet of 8-inch DR 17 IPS Poly pipeline in lieu of 41,000 feet of 8-inch SDR 26 IPS PVC pipeline included as Work within Base Bid No. 2 - Service to Grandin, 29,000 feet of 12-inch DR 17 IPS Poly pipeline in lieu of 29,000 feet of 12-inch SDR 26 IPS PVC pipeline included as Work within Base Bid No. 2 - Service to Grandin, 1,700 feet of 8-inch DR 17 IPS Poly directional bores in lieu of 1,700 feet of 8-inch DR 13.5 IPS Poly directional bores included as Work within Base Bid No. 2 - Service to Grandin, and 775 feet of 12-inch DR 17 IPS Poly directional bores in lieu of 775 feet of 12-inch DR 13.5 IPS Poly directional bores included as Work within Base Bid No. 2 - Service to Grandin. 6. Alternate No. 3A - 16-inch PVC Transmission Pipeline Construction: Construction of rural water pipelines consisting of furnishing and installing the following approximate quantities: 16,300 feet of on-grade 16-inch C900 DR25 PVC pipeline with top-of-pipe between 6.0' to 7.5' below existing grade, 12,700 feet of on-grade 16-inch C900 DR25 PVC pipeline with top-of-pipe between 7.5' to 9.0' below existing grade, 500 feet of on-grade 16-inch C900 DR25 PVC pipeline with top-of-pipe at least 9.0' below existing grade, 2,025 feet of on-grade 16-inch DR 13.5 DIPS Poly directional bores, two (2) 16-inch Poly 11.25-degree bends, six (6) 16-inch POLY 45-degree bends, one (1) tie-in to an existing system, one (1) 12-inch gate valve, one (1) 16-inch gate valve, four (4) 2-inch flush/air blow off valves, and all associated fittings and appurtenances, restoration, flushing and testing, signage, seeding, and gravel. 7. Alternate No. 3B - 16-inch Poly Transmission Pipeline Construction: Construction of rural water pipelines consisting of furnishing and installing the following approximate quantities: 16,300 feet of on-grade 16-inch DR17 DIPS Poly pipeline with top-of-pipe between 6.0' to 7.5' below existing grade, 12,700 feet of on-grade 16-inch DR17 DIPS Poly pipeline with top-of-pipe between 7.5' to 9.0' below existing grade, 500 feet of on-grade 16-inch DR17 DIPS Poly pipeline with top-of-pipe at least 9.0' below existing grade, 2,025 feet of on-grade 16-inch DR 17 DIPS Poly directional bores, two (2) 16-inch Poly 11.25-degree bends, six (6) 16-inch Poly 45-degree bends, one (1) tie-in to an existing system, one (1) 12-inch gate valve, one (1) 16-inch gate valve, four (4) 2-inch flush/air blow off valves, and all associated fittings and appurtenances, restoration, flushing and testing, signage, seeding, and gravel. All bids shall be contained in a sealed envelope plainly marked showing that such envelope contains a Bid for the Project. Also refer to Section 00 21 13 for preparation of bid information. All Bids will be made on the basis of cash payment for such work. After Bid opening, the Owner will return Bid security of all except the three lowest responsible Bidders. When the Contract is awarded, the remaining unsuccessful Bidder's Bonds will be returned. The Owner reserves the right to reject any or all Bids, and further reserves the right to award the Contract in the best interests of the Owner. The Owner reserves the right to hold the three (3) low Bids for a period of sixty (60) days after the date of the Bid opening to complete financial arrangements. This is to serve as a guarantee that the successful Bidder will enter into a Contract within fifteen (15) days of Notice of Award, in accordance with the terms of the principal's Bid and Contractor's Bond as required by law and regulations and determinations of East Central Regional Water District for the performances of such Work. Only Bids that are accompanied by such a Bond will be considered. All Work shall be performed in accordance with the Bidding Documents on file in the Office of East Central Regional Water District Thompson, ND where they may be seen and examined. Bidders must be licensed for the full amount of the Bid as required by North Dakota Century Code 43-07-05. Each Bid shall contain a copy of the Contractor's license or certificate of renewal thereof issued by the Secretary of State. All Bids must be submitted on the Bid Form furnished by the Engineer. No Bid will be read or considered that does not fully comply with the above provisions and other provisions contained within the Bidding Documents, and any deficient Bid submitted will be returned to the Bidder unopened. Bidders on this Work will be required to comply with the Presidential Executive Order No. 11246, as amended. The requirements for Bidders and Contractors under this order include EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY AND AFFIRMATIVE ACTION REQUIREMENTS, DAVIS-BACON WAGE RATE REQUIREMENTS, AND AMERICAN IRON AND STEEL REQUIREMENTS as explained in the Specifications. Bidders on this work will be required to comply with Title 40 CFR Part 33 - Participate by Disadvantaged Business Enterprises in the United States Environmental Protection Agency Programs. The requirements for bidders and contractors under this regulation concern utilization of Minority Business Enterprises (MBE), Women's Business Enterprises (WBE), and Small Business Enterprises (SBE) and are explained in the specifications. Bidders shall demonstrate a good faith effort to solicit for MBE and WBE subcontractors. The completed MBE/WBE Solicitation Information sheet must be provided in the outer bid security envelope. Failure to include this information will result in the bid not being opened. Bidders on this work will be required to comply with the American Iron and Steel requirements of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2014. The requirements for bidders and contractors under this regulation are explained in the specifications. All Bids shall be contained in a sealed envelope plainly marked showing that such envelope contains a Bid for the Project. In addition, the Bidder shall place upon the exterior of such envelope the following information: 1. Project Name and Work covered by the Bidder (General). 2. The name of the Bidder. 3. Separate envelope containing Bid Bond, and a copy of Contractor's License or Renewal Certificate 4. Acknowledgement of all Addenda. The work for each contract must be completed no later than the following: 1. Base Bid a. No. 1 1) Substantial Completion - November 30, 2022 2) Final Completion - June 15, 2023 b. No. 2 1) Substantial Completion - November 30, 2022 2) Final Completion - June 15, 2023 2. Alternate 1 a. Substantial Completion - November 30, 2022 b. Final Completion - June 15, 2023 3. Alternate 2A and 2B a. Substantial Completion - November 30, 2022 b. Final Completion - June 15, 2023 4. Alternate 3A and 3B a. Substantial Completion - November 30, 2022 b. Final Completion - June 15, 2023 Bids shall be mailed to AE2S, 4050 Garden View Drive, Suite 200, Grand Forks, ND 58201. Contracts shall be awarded on the basis of the low Bid submitted by a responsible and responsive Bidder deemed most favorable to the Owner's interest. 14494-2021-002 Bid result Base Bid No.1 Service To Hatton Ellingson Drainage Inc $1,490,778 Base Sid No.2 Service To Grandin Ellingson Drainage Inc $2,033,943


Water / Sewer


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