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Site work and paving for a road / highway in Vancouver, Washington. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; and for paving for a road / highway.

** This project has been awarded to Granite Construction Company in the amount of $4,892,892.00. ** Improvement ofvarious county roadways by planing,pavement repair, over-excavation,roadway surface preparation, cleaning,sweeping, pre-leveling, applying tackcoat, hot mix asphalt overlays, approachtransitions and other related work. Primary bid items: Flaggers, HMAClass 3/8 In. PG 58H-22, HMA forPreleveling, HMA for Pavement Repair,Pavement Repair Excavation, PlaningBituminous Pavement. Bid documents can be viewed,downloaded, or purchased on theBuilders Exchange of Washington(BXWA) website. Public Works, Clark County andProjects Bidding). Bidders areencouraged to "Register as a Bidder" inorder to receive automatic emailnotification of future addenda and to beplaced on the Bidders List. Electronic andpaper copies of bid documents are notavailable from Clark County. It is the sole responsibility of the Bidderto obtain Addenda, if any. Public Works, ClarkCounty and Projects Bidding). ClarkCounty accepts no responsibility orliability and will provide noaccommodation to bidders who fail tocheck for addenda and submitinadequate or incomplete bids. Questions and requests for clarificationmust be submitted using the electronic"CRP Inquiry Submittal Form" located onthe County website. Responses willbe posted on the proj ect's "Bid InquiryLog". All bids must be submitted on the formsprovided in the bid documents. Bids mustbe submitted in a sealed envelope withthe Bidder's company name, project title,project number, bid opening date, and"SEALED BID" clearly marked on theoutside of the envelope. Bids submittedby FAX or email will not be accepted. Shouldthe successful bidder fail to enter into acontract and furnish a satisfactorycontract bond, the bid deposit shall beforfeited to Clark County. Clark County, in accordance with theprovisions of Title VI of the Civil RightsAct of 1964 (78 Stat. 252, 42 U.S.C.2000d to 2000d-4) and the Regulations,hereby notifies all bidders that it willaffirmatively ensure that any contractentered into pursuant to thisadvertisement, disadvantaged businessenterprises will be afforded full and fairopportunity to submit bids in response tothis invitation and will not bediscriminated against on the grounds ofrace, color, or national origin in consideration for an award. For questions regarding Clark CountyPublic Works' Title VI program, or forinterpretation or translation services fornon-English speakers, or otherwisemaking materials available in an alternateformat, contact Clark County PublicWorks' Title VI Coordinator via email or phone564-397-4944. Hearing/speech impairedmay call the Washington Relay Center at711. TÍTULO VI El condado de Clark, de acuerdo conlas disposiciones del Título VI de la Leyde Derechos Civiles de 1964 y las Regulaciones, o Title VI of the Civil Rights Actof 1964 and the Regulations, (78Stat.252, 42 USC 2000d a 2000d-4), poreste medio notifica a todos los postoresque se les asegura afirmativamente deque en cualquier contrato en conformidadcon este anuncio, las empresascomerciales desfavorecidas tendrán laoportunidad plena y justa de presentarofertas en respuesta a esta invitación yno serán discriminadas por motivos deraza, color u origen nacional en consideración para una concesión. Si tiene preguntas sobre el programaTítulo VI de obras públicas del condadode Clark, o para servicios deinterpretación o traducción para personasque no hablan inglés, o si tienemateriales disponibles en un formatoalternativo, comuníquese con el coordinador del Título VI de obras públicas delcondado de Clark por correo electrónicoa o teléfono564-397-4944. Las personas conproblemas de audición o del hablapueden llamar al Washington RelayCenter al 711. The County reserves the right to waiveinformalities in the bidding, reject any orall bids, or cancel the bid if the best interests of Clark County are not served. Engineer's Estimate: $5,479,000 - $6,392,000 *The value for this project is based on a financial range. The value is listed as the highest possible cost from the range provided by a stakeholder or official project document.


Roads / Highways


Public - County

Paving, Site Work

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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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