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Published May 31, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Demolition and site work for a water / sewer project in Ravenswood, West Virginia. Conceptual plans call for the demolition of a water / sewer project; and for site work for a water / sewer project.

Demolition and remediation firms interested in performing all aspects of project management and professional services involved with the demolition, removal, remediation, and disposal associated with the former Century Aluminum Plant located near Millwood, Jackson County, West Virginia. The former aluminum plant is located between Millwood and Ravenswood, WV adjacent to the Ohio River. All firms interested in being considered for this project must submit a SOQ detailing qualifications, technical expertise, management and staffing capabilities and related prior experience. Respondents will be required to provide proof of insurance and policy limitations including workers' compensation insurance, in the form of an insurance certificate. Additionally, respondents will be required to provide proof of good standing with the State of West Virginia Tax Department. Respondents should demonstrate proof, in the form of a letter from a surety company, of the ability to obtain a payment and performance bond in the minimum amount of the contract amount. The object of the competitive process is to objectively identify qualified firms who will provide the highest quality of service. Accordingly, technical qualifications and experience will be weighed heavily. Selected respondents will be interviewed, and the WVEDA will rank the three most qualified respondents, who will then be asked to proceed under a request for proposal process to submit bids for the project. The WVEDA will afford full opportunity for minority business enterprises to submit a SOQ in response to this invitation and will not discriminate against any interested firm or individual on the grounds of race, creed, color, sex, age, handicap, or national origin in the contract award. The WVEDA reserves the right to accept or reject any and/or all proposals. All questions regarding this RFQ shall be received in writing by email to the Executive Director of WVEDA, Kris Warner (Kris.E.Warner@ wv.gov). Questions are due no later than Wednesday, February 23, 2022. The method of contractor selection has not been determined at this time.


Water / Sewer


Public - County

Demolition, Site Work

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February 24, 2023


To Be Determined, Ravenswood, WV

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