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Published April 26, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for an educational facility in Worcester, Massachusetts. Working plans call for site work for a educational facility.

Administration Exterior CR Sprinkler Stub. Installation of a new sprinkler service and creation of a new sprinkler room at the Administration Building. Contractor Qualification DCAMM Certificate A. The work to be done under this contract consists of executing and completing all work required for the Administration Exterior CR Sprinkler Stub project at the Quinsigamond Community College Administration Building, 670 West Boyslton St., Worcester, MA 01606. B. The scope of work, without limiting the generality thereof, includes all labor, materials, equipment and services required to perform the work described fully in the Drawings and Specifications and includes, but is not limited to the following major work: 1. Installing a new fire protection main from the existing fire protection main serving the QuEST building, into the Administration Building. 2. Renovation of room 41A, to create a new Sprinkler Room, and installing the sprinkler system service. (a) Distribution piping and sprinkler coverage is not part of this project scope. This project shall establish a complete and fully functional sprinkler service for extension under other future projects. C. The Work is to be performed at the following locations: 1. Administration Building and the East side of the site surrounding the building. D. The Prime Contractor for this project shall be qualified in Fire Protection Sprinkler Service and shall the the Prime contractor, responsible for all sub-contracting and the delivery of a complete project. E. The following major elements will be performed by the Owner, under separate contracts, for which the Prime Contractor has a coordinating responsibility: 1. None. All work of this contract shall be performed or sub-contracted by the Prime Contractor. F. The following major elements will be furnished by the Owner, for installation by the Contractor or subcontractors: 1. None. The Contractor is responsible for furnishing all materials required for a complete project. G. Reference to Drawings: The work to be done under this Contract is shown on the Drawings listed at the end of this Section. H. Prevailing Wage: The Massachusetts Standard Labor Wage rates, as outlined in the exhibits, will be used in the construction of this project.

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670 W Boylston St, Worcester, MA

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