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Published February 5, 2022 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Williamsburg, Kentucky. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The HAW will not be held responsible for late delivery of bids by the U.S. Postal Service or any other means. The enelope containing the sealed bid shall be marked as follows: 1) Company Name and Address2) Title: Lawn Care ServicesLawn Care services will be conducted at five (5) separate locations of the Housing Authority of Williamsburg's property in Williamsburg, KY. HAW Site Address - 1. Brush Arbor Complex 600 Brush Arbor Rd 2. Cumberland Ave. Complex 401 Cumberland Ave3. S. 2nd Street Complex S. 2nd Street4. Mackey, Mahan, & Cemetery Complex 60 Mackey Ave5. Moore Lane Complex Moore Lane Specifications of Work: a)Contractor shall provide all materials, labor, fuel, equipment, bags for removal of cuttings and trash, permits, and any items needed to complete the lawn care services. b)All lawns areas of the HAW property shall be machine mowed and ma-chine edged. c) Trimming around all buildings, sidewalks, landscaping, fences, play-grounds, gazebos, and paved surfaces around the perimeter of the HAW property. d)Clippings are to be blown off sidewalks, porches, and landscaping. Clip-pings cannot be blown toward any vehicles e)Removal of debris from property before departure. f)Consideration must be given to weather conditions so that the lawn or landscaping are not damaged. g)Clean gutters at all HAW sites, once in April and once in October. h)All HAW landscaped areas are to be kept weed-free, free of leaves and free of all debris. i)All HAW landscaped areas shrubbery is to be trimmed at the beginning and end of mowing season. j)Leaves are to be mowed and removed. Frequency:o Lawn Care services will be provided every 7 to 10 days, during daylight hours, beginning April 1, 2022, through October 31, 2022. o This Lawn Care Bid is with option to be extended up to 5 years per Execu-tive Director.Contractor Responsibility: a)Contractor is required to provide proof of liability insurance and workers compensation as well as agrees to maintain for the duration of the life of the contract. b)Contractor will be responsible for repair or replacement of any damage to property belonging to the Housing Authority of Williamsburg or tenant prop-erty caused by equipment used by contractor in mowing, edging, trimming, or blowing, this includes tenant vehicles. c)Care shall be taken to avoid damage or injury to trees and shrubs and building downspouts, siding, etc. when working to trim and edge the proper-ties. d)Contractor staff must wear identification badge or uniform while on HAW properties. e)Contractor will take all steps to protect the public from injury. f)Contractor is required to provide three (3) references. g)Contractor must be in compliance with HUD Maintenance Wage Rates. h)Contractor shall enforce proper discipline and good order among Con-tractor employees and subcontractors at all times. i)Contractor's, subcontractor's and their employee vehicles and delivery trucks shall be parked so as not to hinder street traffic, or impact adjacent resident's use of their property. STRICTLY PROHIBITED is parking on side-walks and green ways, as well as driving over curbs j)Contractor shall submit weekly invoices to HAW with reference to property name, date and itemized work performed including but not limited to costs per line item resulting in total requested payment, which shall compare to Form of Bid costs. Checks will be printed bi-weekly. k)Under HUD Section 3 the HAW encourages contractors to hire Section 3 residents. Lawn Care Service The HAW is an Equal Employment Opportunity organization and prohib-its discrimination with regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, or national origin (EEO). The HAW is a smoke-free, drug-free workplace. All questions pertaining to the specifications and document submittal requirements shall be submitted to Mary Thornton, Executive Director at 600 Brush Arbor Rd, Williamsburg, KY 40769, or call 606-549-0282.


Residential Subdivision

Public - City

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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Multiple Locations, Williamsburg, KY

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