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Published February 4, 2022 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Chalfont, Pennsylvania. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The Bucks County Consortium of Municipalities, including but not limited to Bensalem, Bristol, Buckingham, Bucks County Water & Sewer Authority, Doylestown Borough, Doylestown Township, Durham, Falls Authority, Falls, Lower Bucks County Joint Municipal Authority, Lower Makefield, Lower Southampton, Middletown, Morrisville, New Britain Borough, New Britain Township, Newtown, Northampton, Plumstead, Solebury, Upper Makefield, Upper Southampton, Upper Southampton Municipal Authority, Warminster, Warrington, Warwick, Yardley and other participating members of the consortium, will collectively seek and receive proposals, and individually award contracts for purchase of the following crushed stone aggregate, asphalt paving materials, and associated highway products, as follows MATERIALS EST. QUANTITY Screening/Quarry Grit 1,600 tons 1/4 " Stone Chips 2,330 tons 1B-3/4" Stone 3,260 tons 1B-3/8" Stone 500 tons 1B-1/2" Stone 750 tons 1B Stone #8 washed 100 tons No.2 3/4 " Stone 3,945 tons No. 2B 3/4 " Stone 5,605 tons No. 3A 1 1/2 " Stone 750 tons No. 4 Ballast Stone 2,990 tons No. 5 Stone/Anti-Skid 150 tons No. 6S Stone/Anti-Skid 200 tons No. 2A Stone Mix 12,100 tons 3/4 " Stone Mix 2,240 tons 5-8" mix gabion stone 1,480 tons Rip-Rap Mixed Stone 2,070 tons R-4 Stone 2,290 tons R-5 Stone 110 tons R-6 Stone 100 tons ID-2 3/4 " asphalt (Base) 500 tons FB3 Blacktop (Base) 500 tons BCBC Blacktop (Base) 500 tons ID-3 Airport Mix 600 tons PSP Cold Patch 3,380 tons Sup. Pave 9.5mm Wearing 24,065 tons Sup. Pave 12.5mm Wearing 2,900 tons Sup. Pave 19.0mm Wearing 1,695 tons Sup. Pave 19.0mm Binder 4,930 tons Sup. Pave 25.0mm Binder 3,645 tons Sup. Pave 25.0mm Base 980 tons Bar Sand 105 tons AC-20 Asphalt Crack Sealer/ AC-20/PG64-22 105 gallons/ 35 lbs. blocks AC-2000 Liquid Asphalt 50 gallons Koch 9005 Crack Sealer/ Elastoflex 61 1,035 lbs/block Koch 9075-r Flex-a-fill/ Elastoflex-650 1,000 lbs/block Screened Topsoil 435 tons Fill Dirt/Borrow 25 tons 486 Cold Patch mix w/fiber/ Zero VOC Bulk Cold Patch 2,085 tons HEC-Concrete 3500 Mix 2,040 yards Crafco Poliflex II Crack Seal/ Elastoflex-650 41,000 lbs/block Detack 125 gallons Tack Coat/CSS- 1 Water Based Tack Coat 175 gallons QPR Cold Patch 410 tons DSA (Driving Superior Aggregate) 500 tons Crackmaster 3405 9,000 lbs High Performance Patch 100 tons All materials/job mix formulas shall meet Penn DOT 408 Specifications, and be bid for both F.O.B. and bulk delivery, as appropriate. All bids shall include any delivery charge on a per mile-ton/yard/gallon basis in order that each participating municipality can accurately calculate delivery charges. Any deviations shall be noted within the bid. All quantities represent the estimated combined needs of the participating municipalities, which shall fluctuate based upon weather conditions, and budgetary allowances. All Superpave Materials to use PG 64-22 asphalt cement with 15% maximum RAP. The members of the Bucks County Consortium have the right to determine all costs associated with awarding this contract. This includes but is not limited to: travel time of municipal trucks, round trip mileage from the quarry, fuel costs, and labor costs with time involved. Example: New Britain Township will be assessing a $0.50 per mile rate when awarding this contract. All bids must be presented in a sealed envelope marked "Consortium Stone Bid of February 25, 2022" and be only upon the forms furnished by New Britain Township, on behalf of the Consortium. A certified, treasurer's, cashier's check or bid bond in the amount of 10% of the bid shall be included with the bid proposal.


Roads / Highways

Public - City

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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February 25, 2022

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Multiple Locations, Chalfont, PA

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